MARICULTURE BASED ON THROPIC SAPROBIC INDEX ANALYSIS (Case Study: Coast of Sayung Distric Demak, Central Java Indonesia)

Sri Rejeki, agung Suryanto, Johanes Hutabarat, Sutrisno Anggoro, R usmilyansari


Coastal erosion in Sayung Distric, Demak Regency submerged 300 hectares of brackish water ponds.  However, after the local government management by soft  and hard barriers construction  resulting the formation of semi-closed coastal water area with the depth of 1 – 7 m in depth.  The condition of the this  eroded coastal water is physically degraded, idle and abandont.  The aims of this research were to evaluate ecological condition of the eroded coastal  water at Sayung for coastal aquaculture based on its Trophic Saprobic Index  values.  The research was carried out from September 2009- August 2010. The results show that the eroded coastal water at Morosari, Sayung District Demak Central Java is lightly to moderately polluted, however, ecol[ogically it is still suitable for coastal aquaculture activity, especially for cultured organisms which are at the lowest level of the food chain/the plankton feeder .


Coastal erosion ; mariculture ; thropic saprobic analysis

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Journal of Coastal Development, Diponegoro University
Widya Puraya Building, 1st Floor, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia.
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