The birth of the law No. 22/1999 as an agenda of basic changes has been
very important for the implementation of local government in Indonesia. Through
this law, the implementation of local government has been directed to the system
of decentralization by emphazising on the regency and municipality. It has been
done as an effort to democratize the government system. Moreover, as a
corrective policy, the implementation of local autonomy policy is expected to be
able to correct the drawbacks of the previous centralistic policy of local
government. It is necessarily reminded that centralism has made Indonesias
development failing to enhance its potenticies and to respond to the growing
aspiration and dynamics in the local areas. Therefore, several actions must be
taken in order that the implementation of local autonomy will achieve the intended
goals. They are as follows: preseving sovereignty; focusing development efforts
to increase the peoples welfare; creating an effective monitoring mechanism
through a credibile, transparent, responsive, and accountable government. Above
all, efforts to democratize and decentrale the implementation of local government,
are determined by a good will of the central government.
very important for the implementation of local government in Indonesia. Through
this law, the implementation of local government has been directed to the system
of decentralization by emphazising on the regency and municipality. It has been
done as an effort to democratize the government system. Moreover, as a
corrective policy, the implementation of local autonomy policy is expected to be
able to correct the drawbacks of the previous centralistic policy of local
government. It is necessarily reminded that centralism has made Indonesias
development failing to enhance its potenticies and to respond to the growing
aspiration and dynamics in the local areas. Therefore, several actions must be
taken in order that the implementation of local autonomy will achieve the intended
goals. They are as follows: preseving sovereignty; focusing development efforts
to increase the peoples welfare; creating an effective monitoring mechanism
through a credibile, transparent, responsive, and accountable government. Above
all, efforts to democratize and decentrale the implementation of local government,
are determined by a good will of the central government.
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