DEMOKRATISASI PEMERINTAHAN DESA (Study Analisis Proses Demokratisasi Pemerintahan Desa Menurut UU No. 22 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah di Desa Kalipang Kecamatan Sarang Kabupaten Rembang)
Democratization process as one aspect pf the implementation of Law
Number 22, 1999, in rural areas is an interesting phenomenon, including the
case of Kalipang Village. This article is focused on autonomy, governance and
decentralization aspects, based on the fact that there are some weaknesses in
the democratization process in Indonesia related to governance in rural areas.
Although the peoples participation could be channeled through Village
Representative Body (BPD), but this institution also faces some problems. The
educational background of BPD members in Kalipang is good enough, but their
professionalism in doing their job are still questionable. Meanwhile, the
professionalism of Head of the Village is not so good, but his leadership is good
enough. He is open to the peoples participation and is able to unite his people.
However, there are some problems related to the peoples participation. It is
recommended that BPD can play a stronger role in the future, for the sake of
better democratization implementation in rural areas.
Number 22, 1999, in rural areas is an interesting phenomenon, including the
case of Kalipang Village. This article is focused on autonomy, governance and
decentralization aspects, based on the fact that there are some weaknesses in
the democratization process in Indonesia related to governance in rural areas.
Although the peoples participation could be channeled through Village
Representative Body (BPD), but this institution also faces some problems. The
educational background of BPD members in Kalipang is good enough, but their
professionalism in doing their job are still questionable. Meanwhile, the
professionalism of Head of the Village is not so good, but his leadership is good
enough. He is open to the peoples participation and is able to unite his people.
However, there are some problems related to the peoples participation. It is
recommended that BPD can play a stronger role in the future, for the sake of
better democratization implementation in rural areas.
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