The condition of street children population in Semarang when the
research was being held was recorded 5.116 children. This research is a
Summative Evaluation which is aimed at observing the target achievement after
a program and activity being held for a certain time, which in this case is to
evaluate performance of the officials or managers in developing input and output
factors to attain indicators of outcome, benefit and impact, especially for prosperity
of street children as the beneficiaries and for prosperity of public sector in general.
After all, we can conclude that evaluation result toward the officials performance
in managing Sheltered home can bring the activities of Sheltered Home to be
better in quality, and at the end, may result in behaviours change of street
expected to have productivity and become more conducive to their social
research was being held was recorded 5.116 children. This research is a
Summative Evaluation which is aimed at observing the target achievement after
a program and activity being held for a certain time, which in this case is to
evaluate performance of the officials or managers in developing input and output
factors to attain indicators of outcome, benefit and impact, especially for prosperity
of street children as the beneficiaries and for prosperity of public sector in general.
After all, we can conclude that evaluation result toward the officials performance
in managing Sheltered home can bring the activities of Sheltered Home to be
better in quality, and at the end, may result in behaviours change of street
expected to have productivity and become more conducive to their social
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