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*Amarta Yasyhini Ilka Haque  -  Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia
Muh Endriyo Susila orcid scopus  -  Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2024 Diponegoro Law Review under

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Marijuana legalization remains a contentious public health issue in Indonesia. Despite public debates sparked by a mother's appeal for medicinal marijuana last June, Indonesia maintains strict anti-drug measures under its Narcotics Law, which prohibits the use of all elements of marijuana in medical treatments. However, medicinal marijuana has gained recognition in other jurisdictions for its potential to treat various chronic illnesses. This study employs a doctrinal legal research methodology, relying on secondary sources, legislation, and scholarly analyses. The findings emphasize the urgent need to legalize medicinal marijuana as a critical intervention for specific medical conditions. While possession and use of marijuana remain illegal, Indonesia's ratification of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 allows for research and the controlled use of medicinal marijuana. By examining the experiences of nations with established medical marijuana legislation and emphasizing further research on its applications, this study advocates for the legalization of medicinal marijuana in Indonesia under stringent regulations.

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Keywords: Marijuana Law; Human Rights; Marijuana Legalization
Funding: Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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