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*Ade Siti Sarah Azhar  -  Program Studi Diploma III Teknik Elektro, Indonesia
Eko Ariyanto  -  Program Studi Diploma III Teknik Elektro, Indonesia

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Ade Siti Sarah Azhar,  Eko Ariyanto in this paper explain that Coffee is one of the most popular drinks ever in the history of human civilization. Roasting is one of the most important processes in processing coffee beans that serves to determine the process of forming flavors and aromas in coffee beans. The average roasting process still uses manual methods, so an automatic coffee roaster machine is needed that can support the home roasting process which is equipped with a round control system. It is expected that the roasting process can be carried out quickly. The use of automatic roasting machines aims to save energy and cost and time efficiency. The round control system in this coffee roaster machine uses PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) to regulate speed on a DC motor by regulating the PWM signal which can be done in analog or by using a microcontroller.

By using a motor driver, the motor rotation direction can be controlled. When the DC motor rotates its rotation speed can be detected by an optocoupler which then outputs from the optocoupler will send and process data to the Atmega microcontroller 16. The performance of this control system uses a rotation above 60 Rpm with regulated temperatures above 100 ° C. The performance of this control system gets variations in the results of roasting of coffee beans that are close to the standard of coffee, namely at the rotation of 65 Rpm with a temperature of 130 ° C and the roasting time of 18 minutes with the color of Light Roast coffee beans.


Keywords :Speed Control, PWM, DC Motor, Driver Motor, Optocoupler, Mikrocontroller Atmega 16.


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