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Desain dan Implementasi Deteksi WebShell Malicious Web Shell (Backdoor Trap)

*Raditya Faisal Waliulu orcid scopus  -  Politeknik Saint Paul Sorong, Indonesia
Santrinita Trhessya Jumame  -  Politeknik Saint Paul Sorong, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2020 JSINBIS (Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis)

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We present a report on hacker attacks against production servers on increased PHP vulnerabilities through SQL Injection attacks, XSS (Cross Site-Scripting), Cookie hijack, miss configuration, social engineering, CSRF (cross site request forgery), OTP bypass (take over account) and others. Hacker attacks leave a backdoor or webshell that will be accessed remotely (remote), this is common in blackhat hackers. Provides a shelltrap framework to use for and perform and clean the backdoor on the server. Because the back door has characteristics, namely: (1) taking over the physical server or localrooting; (2) adaptation to the run time environment; (3) using global variables to access the server. Have evaluated shelltrap on realworld server tame PHP Script and PHP backdoor. The experimental results get high level detection results of 98 %.

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Keywords: Web Security; Web Shells; Backdoor; Intrusion Detection; Probability Analysis: Security Linux

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