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Monsoon Effect at Flood Phenomena on 2002 and 2007 in DKI-JAKARTA

*Rahmat Gernowo  -  Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang , India

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The monsoon effect one think especially represent to important matter as causes of floods happen in area of Jakarta. The research of convection pattern above area of DKI-Jakarta based on to existing perception data, which is expected will give the understanding of growth of convection cloud yield torrential rains and deliver floods in DKI-Jakarta on 2002 and 2007. The result of research into whereas in this research is obtained by the rain study of extreme in DKI-Jakarta. As rainfall data result of average from some stations is residing in DKI-Jakarta. The result of research is obtained by comparison analysis whereas, that cloud dynamics in DKI-Jakarta happened at around of December, January and February, where periodicity of monsoon takes place.

Keywords: Monsoon, flood and cloud dynamics.

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