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Rancang Bangun Spektroskopi FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) untuk Penentuan Kualitas Susu Sapi

*Jatmiko Endro Suseno  -  Lab. Elektronika & Instrumentasi, Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNDIP, Indonesia
K. Sofjan Firdausi  -  Lab. Optoelektronika & Laser, Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNDIP, Indonesia

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A Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy instrument has beed developed in the range middle infrared. The important instrument in this research is to make interferogram using He-Ne Laser based on Michelson interferometer. The result indicates that the interferogram seems work well and should give some spectra in the range of middle infrared frequencies.

Key words: FTIR, interferogram, spectroscopy

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Last update: 2025-02-21 17:59:06

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