BibTex Citation Data :
@article{BFIS4998, author = {Tim Redaksi Berkala Fisika}, title = {Berkala Fisika}, journal = {BERKALA FISIKA}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, year = {2012}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Berkala Fisika Vol 15 No 3 (2012) }, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Berkala Fisika Vol 15 No 3 (2012)
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Last update: 2025-02-13 23:47:15
The effects of cryoprotective substances on the mechanical stability and geometric parameters of human erythrocytes
The integration of Kano's model and Quality Function Deployment: A case study for design of an alternative energy utilization
Stress reconstruction and lithosphere dynamics along the Sumatra subduction margin
Implementation of free inquiry learning model to establish 21st century skills
Complexity analysis of the connected pore structure in 3D porous medium using meandering parameter and permeability
Drinking Water Processing Using UV Rays
Characterization of Ba0.55Sr0.45TiO3 films as light and temperature sensors and its implementation on automatic drying system model
The Analysis of Landslide Vulnerability Map and the Level of School Preparedness in Encountering Landslide in Gumelar Sub-District, Banyumas Regency
Study of Longitudinal Relaxation Time Multi Echo Multi Planar (T1 MEMP) and Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Image
Development of a Digital Resistivity Meter Based on Microcontroller
A Phantom Study of Crosstalk Artefact Reduction using Interleaved Method in MR Lumbar
Development of ozone reactor for medicine base on Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) plasma
The Effect of Kaffir Lime Leaves Distillation Residue Oleoresin Concentration on Active Paper Packaging Characteristics
The analysis of calcium contained in saliva due to smoking habits: Using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)
Subsurface Modeling Based on Gravity Data of Rendingan-Ulubelu-Waypanas (RUW) Geothermal Field, Lampung, Indonesia
Characteristic of phenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol synthetic wastewater degradation in a DBD (dielectric barrier discharge) reactor
Analysis Physical and Crystal Structure of BaFe12-4xAl4xO19 at x=0.007 Prepared by Powder Metallurgy Method
Effect size test of learning model arias and PBL: Concept mastery of temperature and heat on senior high school students
Application of Soil Resistivity Testing using Geoelectrical Method for Landslide Identification
Effective medical ozone production using mesh electrodes in double dielectric barrier type plasma generators
Qualification of a sublimation tool applied to the case of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of In2O3 from In(tmhd)3 as a solid precursor
Power analysis of ozone generator for high capacity production
Increment of nitrogen content in shallot seeds by corona glow discharge plasma irradiation
Design and testing of portable laser-based viscometer
Subsurface structure and fluid flow analyses using geophysical methods in geothermal manifestation area of Paguyangan, Brebes, Central Java
Development of physics learning media based on Lectora Inspire Software on the elasticity and Hooke's law material in senior high school
Analysis of Radiation Impact on White Mice through Radiation Dose Mapping in Medical Physics Laboratory
The effectiveness of modified free inquiry strategies to enhance mastery of molecular biology concepts
Laser-induced backsidewet etching of SiO2 with a visible ultrashort laser pulse by using KMnO4 solution as an absorber liquid
Geothermal exploration using geochemical data; Study case: Parang Wedang geothermal field, Indonesia
Improve Image Quality of Transversal Relaxation Time PROPELLER and FLAIR on Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The Comparison between types of electrodes in Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) plasma for obtaining potable water: A review
The effect of polyurethane binder and glass fiber reinforcement on physical and mechanical properties of mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni) leaves waste biocomposite
Distributions dose analysis for 6 MV photon beams using Monte Carlo-GEANT4 simulation
Formation and characterization of typical films Ba 0.2 Sr 0.8 TiO 3 using XRD, FESEM and Spectroscopy impedance
Geomagnetic investigation to delineate heat source of geothermal potential in Jambi sub-basin
Transformation of the students’ inquiry capability through mindmap educative by using game observation normatively (Megono) learning model
Stable isotopes and hydrochemistry approach for determining the salinization pattern of shallow groundwater in alluvium deposit Semarang, Central Java
Design of Integrated Polarizer for Detection of Lard Impurities in Cooking Oil
The use of free blogs as alternative learning media for driving teaching motivation factor of vocational teachers
Evaluation of novel integrated dielectric barrier discharge plasma as ozone generator
Improved Single Barrier Ozone Chamber
Three-percent sucrose acts as a thermostabilizer for cell-adapted foot-and-mouth disease virus without any negative effect on viral growth
Identification of potential drought in Lamongan Regency
Consumption of the electric power inside silent discharge reactors
Recovery of alum from Surabaya water treatment sludge using electrolysis with carbon-silver electrodes
Implementation of contextual teaching and learning (CTL) to improve the concept and practice of love for faith-learning integration
Using computer aided system to determine the maximum depth of visualization of B-Mode diagnostic ultrasound image
Optimization Image Quality of Knee MRI Sagital Plane T2 Weighted TSE Sequences with Variations of Echo Train Length (ETL) on Cartesian and Blade Technique
The Crystallization Process of Zr-Based Metallic Glass by the Influence of Heating Rate and Alloy Composition
Dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactor analysis as ozone generator
Rainfall Forecasting for the Natural Disasters Preparation Using Recurrent Neural Networks
Determination of risk of radioactive in chemical fertilizer using gamma ray spectrometry
The relationship between electro-optics gradient and fatty acids composition in a new investigation on palm oil quality
The effect of building density on land surface temperature, (Case Study: Turikale District, Maros Regency)
Merapi observed gravity anomaly changes in 2019
Ozone production by Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma for microbial inactvation in rice
Synthesis and properties of nanocrystal BiPO4 in diamagnetic PbO-Bi2O3-B2O3 glass
Development of ozone technology fish storage systems for improving quality fish production
Identification of light spectrum, bias index and wavelength in hydrogen lights and helium lights using a spectrometer
Studies on adsorption capacity of clay- Sargassum sp biosorbent for Cr (VI) removal in wastewater from electroplating industry
Nonformal Test-Based Gamification Model to Improve Student Motivation
Synthesis of nano-photocatalyst ZnO-natural zeolite to degrade procion red
Analysis of ozone production for medical with double dielectric barrier discharge (DDBD) plasma technology against spiral - Mesh electrode combination
Acoustic impedance model-based inversion to identify target reservoir: A case study Nias Waters
Model of Cocoaer as alternative learning to prevent the potential misconceptions of high school students
Rainfall Meter Using Arduino and AquaPlumb Water Level Sensor
Effect of ozone addition on virgin coconut oil using changes in light transmission polarization
2D modelling of satellite gravity and magnetic data along east-west traverse line of Peninsular Malaysia
Biomass (rice husk) as a fuel for sterilizing oyster mushrooms: A case study of fuel efficiency comparison, temperature distribution and production effectiveness
Numerical investigation of renal artery hemodynamics based on the physiological response to renal artery stenosis
Improving student's conceptual understanding of heat and temperature through blended learning
Development of electrooptic devices by strengthening electromagnetic fields using colloidal silver solutions
Effects of the natural product mini project laboratory on the students conceptual understanding
Utilizing sugarcane wasted fibers as a sustainable acoustic absorber
Sea Water Intrusion in Kaligawe Semarang Based on Resistivity Data
Preparation and electro-optical characterization of ZnO thin films for photocatalytic waste cooking oil treatment
Ozone production by dielectric barrier discharges plasma of coaxial cylindrical electrodes configuration using oxygen and argon source
Determination of elements in hospital waste with neutron activation analysis method
Improving the visual-spatial intelligence and results of learning of juniour high school students’ with multiple intelligences-based students worksheet learning on lens materials
The profile of teachers' problem related to inquiry learning set based on level of inquiry in physics learning in Madrasah Aliyah (MAN)
Development of Ozone Technology Rice Storage Systems (OTRISS) for quality improvement of rice production
The contribution of fatty acids composition of soybean oil on natural and electro-optics polarization
Identification of salty zone in Grabagan salt mine, Kradenan sub-district, Grobogan district, Central Java, Indonesia
Identification of the distribution of andesite rocks in Kalirejo Village, Kokap District, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta based on geoelectrical tomography data
Development of STAD cooperative based learning set assisted with animation media to enhanche students’ learning outcome in MTS
Implementation of ESA-MWT method satellite gravitation data to estimate the depth of moho layer and subduction zone in Indo-Australia plate of Central Java
Effect of Fibreglass Reinforcement on Compressive Strength of Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) Leaves Waste Composite
Mapping of gold mineralization using 3D inversion magnetic data at Zone X, West Java
Developing stages for the scientific cues concept in the integrated science-tafseer learning model
Structural, optical and magnetic properties of Fe3O4 sputtered TeO2-PbO-B2O3 and PbO-Bi2O3-B2O3 glasses for sensing applications
Classification of undoped and 10% Ga2O3-doped LiTaO3 thin films based on electrical conductivity and phase characteristic
Geo-electrical and geological strikes of the Mount Lamongan geothermal area, East Java, Indonesia - Preliminary results
Construction of basic concepts of waves through a "gambo" (traditional musical instrument)
Investigation on 3D Fractal Dimension as Complexity Parameter of Interconnected Pore in 3D Porous Media
The study of hollow cylinder on inclined plane to determine the cylinder moment of inertia
Characterization of Lithium Tantalate (LiTaO3) Film on the Concentration Variations of Ruthenium Oxide (RuO2) Dope
Intensity, attenuation and building damage from the 27th May 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake
Optical properties and crystal structure of lithium doped Ba 0.55 Sr 0.45 TiO 3 (BLST) thin films
Wireless X-ray Machine Control Based on Arduino with Kv Parameters
Study of the mobility of charge carriers in the multi-point to plane corona plasma reactor with 841 points
Prediction of caprock and structure of Candi Gedongsongo geothermal system from AMT Data
Geoelectric imaging for saline water intrusion in Geopark zone of Ciletuh Bay, Indonesia
Identification of the slip area of a landslide using resistivity geoelectric method
A study of the corona discharge theory for multipoint–plane configurations
Improvement of physicochemical characteristics of kano white yam flour (Dioscorea rotundata) through fermentation process using SBM.3D and SBM.4A lactic acid bacteria
Influence of Lithology and Slope Gradient to Infiltration of the Mount Malabar, West Java
Geo Techno Park potential at Arjuno-Welirang Volcano hosted geothermal area, Batu, East Java, Indonesia (Multi geophysical approach)
Fabrication of mesoporous composite from waste glass and its use as a water filter
Gravity Data Analysis and Modelling for Basin Sedimen of Eastern Java Blocks
Method of fluorescence polarization for a new alternative tool for investigation of cooking oil and lard
Effect of Al2O3 addition with concentration (x=0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4%) mol on the crystal structure and physical properties of permanent magnets barium hexaferrite (BaO6Fe2O3)
Synthesis and characterizations of magnetite nanocomposite films for radiation shielding
Exploring Multiple Representation Preference to Develop Students Misconception Inventory in Measuring of Students Science Conception Awareness
Groundwater Change Detection by Gravity Measurement on Northern Coast of Java: A Case Study in Semarang City of Central Java of Indonesia
Regional landslide potential mapping in earthquake-prone areas of kepahiang regency, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia
Surface Plasmon Resonance Enhanced Faraday Rotation in Fe3O4/Ag Nanoparticles Doped Diamagnetic Glass
Recurrent gradient descent adaptive learning rate and momentum neural network for rainfall forecasting
The effect of temperature on 3D rock structure of andesite rock sample from potential geothermal area, Sulawesi-Indonesia
Curriculum changes in Indonesia: Teacher constraints and students of prospective teachers’ readiness in the implementation of thematic learning at low grade primary school
The Effect of plasma radiation with leaf fertilizer combination on vegetative growth of orchid planlets Dendobrium sp. at the acclimatization stage
Effect of ozone treatment on microbiological and physicochemical properties of soymilk beverage
The Implementation of E-Learning to Improve Students' Virtual Activities
Translational Dynamics of Lipidated Ras Proteins in the Presence of Crowding Agents and Compatible Osmolytes
The effect of casting solution and non solvent composition on the performance of polysulfone membranes against chromium (VI)
Sensor for strain change using optical fiber applications
Profile of students' critical thinking ability in project based learning integrated science technology engineering and mathematics
Effect of gain changing to maximum visualization depth on diagnostic ultrasound B-mode image
Power consumption analysis DBD plasma ozone generator
Determination of estrous period in female rats (Rattus norvegicus) by fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy through identification of reproductive hormone in blood samples
HOTS profile of physics education students in STEM-based classes using PhET media
Fruitylicious: Mobile application for fruit ripeness determination based on fruit image
Optimization density of geopolymer concrete based on taguchi method
Impact of the solar energy system with and without reflector on home-scale batik industry
Alamat Penerbit/Redaksi
Departemen FisikaFakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas DiponegoroGedung Departemen Fisika Lt. I, Kampus FSM UNDIP Tembalang Semarang 50275Telp & Fax. (024) 76480822