BibTex Citation Data :
@article{BULOMA38273, author = {Bayu Munandar and Anindya Wirasatriya and Denny Sugianto and Ambariyanto Ambariyanto and Sunaryo Sunaryo}, title = {Respon Kecepatan Angin Terhadap Variabilitas Klorofil-a di Laut Filipina Dan Maluku Bagian Utara}, journal = {Buletin Oseanografi Marina}, volume = {10}, number = {3}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Chlorophyll-a; Coastal Upwelling; Maluku Sea; Philippine Sea}, abstract = { Suplay massa air di Laut Filipina dan Maluku bagian utara berasal dari Samudera Pasifik. Variabilitas klorofil-a (chl-a) dapat dipengaruhi oleh suplay massa air dari suatu wilayah atau pengaruh interaksi atmosfer dan laut. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh interaksi atmosfer-laut terhadap variabilitas chl-a secara spasial dan temporal. Data yang digunakan yaitu data citra satelit dengan periode 2003-2019 dan argo float . Hasil menunjukkan chl-a di Laut Filipina selalu berada dibawah 0,1 mg/m 3 di sepanjang tahun dan Laut Maluku bagian utara mengalami peningkatan saat musim timur (0,27 mg/m 3 ). Kenaikan chl-a di Laut Maluku bagian utara diikuti dengan kenaikan kecepatan angin (musim timur) yang menyebabkan Ekman Mass Transport (EMT). EMT bergerak kearah timur laut yang membawa massa air menjauhi pantai dan terjadi proses coastal upwelling . Coastal upwelling inilah menjadi faktor utama peningkatan chl-a di Laut Maluku bagian utara. Sebaliknya, kenaikan kecepatan angin di Laut Filipina tidak membangkitkan EMT dan tidak meningkatkan chl-a. Chl-a yang stabil di sepanjang tahun di Laut Filipina membuktikan kecepatan angin kuat tidak terlalu dominan untuk mempengaruhi variabilitas chl-a. Rendahnya chl-a kemungkinan disebakan oleh massa air dari Samudera Pasifik yang dibawa oleh Arus Lintas Indonesia (ARLINDO). Water mass supply in the Philippine Sea and northern Maluku derived from the Pasific Ocean. The variability of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) was affected by the supply of water mass from the area or the impact of air and sea interactions. This study aimed to define the effect of air-sea interaction on the spatial and temporal variability of chl-a. The required data in this study was satellite image data with the period 2003-2019 and argo float. The results showed that chl-a in the Philippine Sea was always below 0.1 mg / m3 throughout the year and the northern Maluku Sea increased during the eastern monsoon (0.27 mg / m3). The increasing of chl-a in the northern Maluku Sea was followed by the increasing of wind speed (east monsoon) which impacted the Ekman Mass Transport (EMT). EMT moved to the northeast carrying the water mass away from the coast and turned up coastal upwelling process. Coastal upwelling was the main factor of chl-a increasing in the North Maluku Sea. In otherwise, wind speed increasing in the Philippine Sea caused vertical mixing (west monsoon) but did not increase chl-a. The stable value of chl-a throughout the years in the Philippine Sea verified that strong wind speeds are not too dominant to affect the variability of chl-a.. The low chl-a was probably caused by the water mass from the Pacific Ocean that carried by Indonesian Through Flow (ARLINDO). }, issn = {2550-0015}, pages = {269--276} doi = {10.14710/buloma.v10i3.38273}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Suplay massa air di Laut Filipina dan Maluku bagian utara berasal dari Samudera Pasifik. Variabilitas klorofil-a (chl-a) dapat dipengaruhi oleh suplay massa air dari suatu wilayah atau pengaruh interaksi atmosfer dan laut. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh interaksi atmosfer-laut terhadap variabilitas chl-a secara spasial dan temporal. Data yang digunakan yaitu data citra satelit dengan periode 2003-2019 dan argo float. Hasil menunjukkan chl-a di Laut Filipina selalu berada dibawah 0,1 mg/m3 di sepanjang tahun dan Laut Maluku bagian utara mengalami peningkatan saat musim timur (0,27 mg/m3). Kenaikan chl-a di Laut Maluku bagian utara diikuti dengan kenaikan kecepatan angin (musim timur) yang menyebabkan Ekman Mass Transport (EMT). EMT bergerak kearah timur laut yang membawa massa air menjauhi pantai dan terjadi proses coastal upwelling. Coastal upwelling inilah menjadi faktor utama peningkatan chl-a di Laut Maluku bagian utara. Sebaliknya, kenaikan kecepatan angin di Laut Filipina tidak membangkitkan EMT dan tidak meningkatkan chl-a. Chl-a yang stabil di sepanjang tahun di Laut Filipina membuktikan kecepatan angin kuat tidak terlalu dominan untuk mempengaruhi variabilitas chl-a. Rendahnya chl-a kemungkinan disebakan oleh massa air dari Samudera Pasifik yang dibawa oleh Arus Lintas Indonesia (ARLINDO).
Water mass supply in the Philippine Sea and northern Maluku derived from the Pasific Ocean. The variability of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) was affected by the supply of water mass from the area or the impact of air and sea interactions. This study aimed to define the effect of air-sea interaction on the spatial and temporal variability of chl-a. The required data in this study was satellite image data with the period 2003-2019 and argo float. The results showed that chl-a in the Philippine Sea was always below 0.1 mg / m3 throughout the year and the northern Maluku Sea increased during the eastern monsoon (0.27 mg / m3). The increasing of chl-a in the northern Maluku Sea was followed by the increasing of wind speed (east monsoon) which impacted the Ekman Mass Transport (EMT). EMT moved to the northeast carrying the water mass away from the coast and turned up coastal upwelling process. Coastal upwelling was the main factor of chl-a increasing in the North Maluku Sea. In otherwise, wind speed increasing in the Philippine Sea caused vertical mixing (west monsoon) but did not increase chl-a. The stable value of chl-a throughout the years in the Philippine Sea verified that strong wind speeds are not too dominant to affect the variability of chl-a.. The low chl-a was probably caused by the water mass from the Pacific Ocean that carried by Indonesian Through Flow (ARLINDO).
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Last update: 2025-03-11 21:34:25
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