Singgih Tri Sulistiyono


The main purpose of this article is to analyze the Dutch colonial attitude in confronting the silent resistance led by Kyai Samin Surasentika. The attitude of the Dutch colonial government in dealing with the Samin movement was based on the excessive fear that can be called as Saministo Phobia. Dutch colonial government traumatized by the resistance movement that involves the extensive usual mass when they faced against a variety of resistance during the nineteenth century such as the resistance of Diponegoro in rural areas. The Samin movement also showed that the intervention of government programs (supra-village) on the lives of rural communities without adequate socialization and internalization would lead to resistance. Although at present there is still a negative stigma on the Samin community, but Samin people have local wisdom required by contemporary Indonesian society, such as honesty, humility, social solidarity, egalitarianism, and so on.

Keywords: Saministo phobia, supra-village, silent resistance

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