The realization decentralization policy gives impact to the higher intensity
of natural resourse exploitation, since the local governments tend to focus more
on their right rather than their responsibility to implement sustainable development
by preserving their natural resources. Besides, different interests among central,
provincial and local government are potential as a source of authority conflict in
managing living environment. So far, peoples attitude and behaviour toward
living environment is dominated by economical reason. The Local Autonomy
policy tends to strengthen this tendency, since the state-governing paradigm
seems change into local area-governing paradigm. The local government effort
to enhance their local revenue are done at the cost of natural resource
exploitation. Therefore the society is encouraged to self-manage themselves
through Self-Manage Paradigm, meaning that the responsibility to obey the law
and law enforcement lies on the society themselves. This paradigm is pioneered
by the business sector that face a stronger demand for an environmentally
friendly business practise. This tendency seems go stronger in the future.
Decentralization in the living environment sector should not be transalated into
an absolut local autonomy since living environment does not acknowledge
administrative boundaries, but ecological-biological and ecosystem boundaries
with multi stakeholders approach.
of natural resourse exploitation, since the local governments tend to focus more
on their right rather than their responsibility to implement sustainable development
by preserving their natural resources. Besides, different interests among central,
provincial and local government are potential as a source of authority conflict in
managing living environment. So far, peoples attitude and behaviour toward
living environment is dominated by economical reason. The Local Autonomy
policy tends to strengthen this tendency, since the state-governing paradigm
seems change into local area-governing paradigm. The local government effort
to enhance their local revenue are done at the cost of natural resource
exploitation. Therefore the society is encouraged to self-manage themselves
through Self-Manage Paradigm, meaning that the responsibility to obey the law
and law enforcement lies on the society themselves. This paradigm is pioneered
by the business sector that face a stronger demand for an environmentally
friendly business practise. This tendency seems go stronger in the future.
Decentralization in the living environment sector should not be transalated into
an absolut local autonomy since living environment does not acknowledge
administrative boundaries, but ecological-biological and ecosystem boundaries
with multi stakeholders approach.
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