The 1999 General Election has been expected to be the right example of
democracy in Indonesia. However, the legislative body and its members as a
result of this election has become a point of disappointment to the society. The
2004 General Election and Presidential Election proved a change in the voters
attitude, in that they focused on their elected partys quality and not merely its
ideology. This is a positive sign toward the new democratic Indonesia. While the
1945 Amandement is expected to encourage public political participation, there
are other factors potential to hamper democratization process in this country.
democracy in Indonesia. However, the legislative body and its members as a
result of this election has become a point of disappointment to the society. The
2004 General Election and Presidential Election proved a change in the voters
attitude, in that they focused on their elected partys quality and not merely its
ideology. This is a positive sign toward the new democratic Indonesia. While the
1945 Amandement is expected to encourage public political participation, there
are other factors potential to hamper democratization process in this country.
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