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Before submitting your manuscripts, authors are advised to read the ethics of publication which is critical for the academic community to share ideas and knowledge.
Preparing your manuscript
Article Text - The length of the article maximum 25 pages with single spacing writtenin Microsoft Word with the Times New Roman font type and in size 12 pt except for title. Margin - left, top, bottom, right (3.5, 3, 3, 3 cm)
Writing Structure – Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you carefully readand follow all the guidelines of writing and formatting your article provided below.
Title. 14 pt. Insert the short title which has a brief description about the manuscripts. The title used for an information on searches system.
(14 pt, capital word, bold, with Times New Roman font)
Author’s first name and last name1, Author’s first name and last name 2,....
Affiliation (Author’s institutions)1
Affiliation (Author’s institutions if different from first author)2
Writer name and affiliation. Insert the full name of each author and make sure no errors in spelling. Author's affiliation is written under the name of the author by giving the superscript lowercase form on each author's name. Affiliation includes the institution of origin authors with the email address of each author.
Corresponding Author. Specify explicitly the author who responsible for communication in the publishing process and after the article was published. This responsibility includes the questions that appear related methodologies and materials. Make sure the email address of the corresponding author is written properly for the purposes of communication.
Correspondent's Address.
Abstract are written in English, 12 pt Times New Roman, that meets the standards of scientific writing and written in 100-250 words. The abstract should include a statement about the background, purpose of the study, methodology, the main findings, and implications of the study. The abstract though short should provide an overview of the content so that if presented separately the abstract is able to provide information about the material. Cites in the abstract should be avoided, but if you have to do so because it is necessary, write the author's name and year. Abbreviations that are not standardized and are known to be avoided. If you must do so, the abbreviation must be defined first in the abstract.
Keywords. Maximum 6 keywords. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes and separate with ";" instead of ",". Avoid plural words and words that contain a variety of meanings.
JEL Classification. two-digit number classification of Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) and separate by comma.
INTRODUCTION, contains explanations about research problems, research objectives.;
LITERATURE REVIEW, summary of theoretical studies related to the problem or research question;
METHODOLOGY, describes the design of research design, population and sample, data collection techniques and instrument development, data analysis techniques. The presentation is done narratively;
RESULT AND DISCUSSION, The results of the study consisted of descriptive statistics, assumptions test results, and the results of hypothesis testing then analyzed critically. Explanation of the results of the study, associated with the results of previous research, was critically analyzed and associated with the latest relevant literature;
CONCLUSION, conclusions and suggestions are made in a concise, clear and concise manner based on results and discussion. The conclusion can also consist of new ideas for future research and theoretical/practical implications;
REFERENCE, citations should not be over than 10 years and contains with 80 percent of articles and 20 percent from books. Manuscripts are written by using standard citation application like Mendeley/Endnote/Refworks/Zatero. Reference or Bibliography should follow APA or Chicago format style.
Reference Style follow the guideline below:
John E. Hanke dan Arthur G. Reitsh. 1940. Business Forecasting. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Hal. 330-332
Duca, John V. dan Stuart S. Rosenthal. 1992. Borrowing Constraints, Household Debt, and Racial Discrimination in Loan Markets. Journal of Financial Intermediation, hal. 3, 77-103.
Frankel, Jeffrey A. dan Rose, Andrew K. 1996. “Empirical Research on Nominal Exchange Rates”, dalam Gene Grossman dan Kenneth Rogoff, eds. Handbook of International Economics. Amsterdam: North-Holland, hal. 1689-1726
Kremer, Michael dan Daniel Chen. 2000. Income Distribution Dynamics with Endogenous Fertility. National Bureau of Economic Research (Cambridge, MA) Working Paper No. 7320.
Mari, S. 2002. Italian households’ debt: determinants of demand and supply. Mimeo. Rome: Bank of Italy.
Summers, Robbert dan Alan W. Heston. 1997. Penn World Table, Version 5.6
Begley, Sharon. April 12, 1993. “Killed by Kindness.” Newsweek, hal 50-56.
For further information, please download the template and instruction for preparing manuscript here JOURNAL TEMPLATE
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