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@article{GT21930, author = {Umi Setiyani and Arkhan Subari}, title = {SISTEM PAKAR KESEHATAN PADA IBU HAMIL BERBASIS MOBILE WEBSITE}, journal = {Gema Teknologi}, volume = {18}, number = {3}, year = {2015}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Umi Setiyani , Arkhan Subari , in this paper explain that the maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still high, every 1 hour, 2 maternal death. Lack of information about the health of pregnant women, to be one cause. By utilizing the WAP ( Wireless Application Protocol ) and expert systems can be made to maternal health expert system -based mobile website. Maternal health expert system is able to diagnose 15 to 61 illnesses symptoms often suffered by pregnant women . Diagnosis of the disease is designed using forward chaining inference engine with the aid of decision tables and decision trees . In addition the system is also able to calculate the daily calories needed by pregnant women using cooper . So with this system can help pregnant mothers to know their health condition . Keywords : expert system , Wireless Application Protocol , the health of pregnant women . References Natalia, Deasy Astrid. 2006. Pembangunan Sistem Pakar pada Perangkat Mobile dengan WML dan PHP untuk Penyakit Paru pada Anak . Surabaya Broto, Adi Sadewo.2010. Perancangan dan Impelentasi Sistem Pakar untuk Analisa Penyakit Dalam . Semarang : Unversitas Diponegoro. Giarratano, J.C & Rilley G. 1994. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, 2 sd edition . USA : PWS Publishing Co. Kusrini. 2008. Aplikasi Sistem Pakar . Yogyakarta : Penerbit Andi. Martin dan Oxman dalam Kusrini. 2006. Aplikasi Sistem Pakar . Yogyakarta : Penerbit Andi. Turban, E. 1995. Decision Support System dan Expert System . USA :Prentice Hall International Inc Mulyono, Djoko. 2008. Pembangunan Sistem Pakar pada Perangkat Mobile dengan WML dan PHP untuk Menemukan Penyebab Kerusakan Mesin Isuzu Panther . Semarang : Unaki Surono, dkk.2009. Bahasa Indonesia Untuk Perguruan Tinggi . Semarang: Fasindo Press Mc Leod dalam Turban,E. 1995. Decision Support System dan Expert System . USA : Prentice Hall International Inc. Turban dalam Mulyono, Djoko. 2008. Pembangunan Sistem Pakar pada Perangkat Mobile dengan WML dan PHP untuk Menemukan Penyebab Kerusakan Mesin Isuzu Panther . Semarang : Unaki Wilson dalam Kusrini. 2006. Aplikasi Sistem Pakar . Yogyakarta : Penerbit Andi. Giarratano dan Rilley dalam Kusrini. 2006. Aplikasi Sistem Pakar . Yogyakarta : Penerbit Andi. Solichin,Achmad. 2013. Pemrograman Web dengan PHP dan MySQL . Jakarta: UBL Juman, Kundang K. 2009. Komunikasi Multimedia. Jakarta Nokia. 2002. XHTML Guidlines . Finlandia : Nokia Corporation. Priyandari. 2013. Tutorial Database II, Mengenal RDBMS MySQL , , diiakses tanggal 15 Agustus 2013. Anonim. 2013. XHTML MP (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language Mobile Profile). , diakses tanggal 4 Juni 2013 Dinkes Jateng. 2011. Profil Kesehatan Jateng 2011. Semarang : Dinkes Jateng Setiawan (Ed). 1998. Ilmu Kebidanan, Penyakit Kandungan, dan Keluarga Berencana . Finlandia: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC Wiknjosastro, Hanifa. 2005. Ilmu Kandungan . Jakarta : Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo. Saifuddin, Abdul Bari. 2006. Buku Acuan Nasional Pelayanan Kesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal . Jakarta : Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo. Poedyasmoro, SKM. 2005. Buku Praktisi Ahli Gizi (Buku Kuliah Politeknik Kesehatan Malang) . Malang Wahyudi, doni. 2004. Data Mining Email . Bandung }, issn = {2656-582X}, pages = {95--99} doi = {10.14710/gt.v18i3.21930}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Umi Setiyani, Arkhan Subari, in this paper explain that the maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still high, every 1 hour, 2 maternal death. Lack of information about the health of pregnant women, to be one cause. By utilizing the WAP ( Wireless Application Protocol ) and expert systems can be made to maternal health expert system -based mobile website. Maternal health expert system is able to diagnose 15 to 61 illnesses symptoms often suffered by pregnant women . Diagnosis of the disease is designed using forward chaining inference engine with the aid of decision tables and decision trees . In addition the system is also able to calculate the daily calories needed by pregnant women using cooper . So with this system can help pregnant mothers to know their health condition .
Keywords : expert system , Wireless Application Protocol , the health of pregnant women.
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Last update: 2025-02-02 09:52:12
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