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*Didik Ariwibowo  -  Program Studi Diploma III Teknik Mesin , Indonesia

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Didik Ariwibowo, in this paper explain that energy audit activities conducted through several phases, namely: the initial audit, detailed audit, analysis of energy savings opportunities, and the proposed energy savings. Total energy consumed consists of electrical energy, fuel, and materials in this case is water. Electrical energy consumption data obtained from payment of electricity accounts for a year while consumption of fuel and water obtained from the payment of material procurement. From the calculation data, IKE hotels accounted for 420.867 kWh/m2.tahun, while the IKE standards for the hotel is 300 kWh/m2.tahun. Thus, IKE hotel included categorized wasteful in energy usage. The largest energy consumption on electric energy consumption. Largest electric energy consumption is on the air conditioning (AC-air conditioning) that is equal to 71.3%, and lighting and electrical equipment at 27.28%, and hot water supply system by 4.44%. Electrical energy consumption in AC looks very big. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the statutes, the profile of energy use by air conditioning at the hotel by 48.5%. With these considerations in the AC target for audit detail as the next phase of activity. The results of a detailed audit analysis to find an air conditioning system energy savings opportunities in pumping systems. Recommendations on these savings is the integration of automation on the pumping system and fan coil units (FCU). The principle of energy conservation in the pumping system is by installing variable speed drives (VSD) pump drive motor to adjust speed according to load on the FCU. Load variations FCU provide input on the VSD pumps to match. Adaptation is predicted pump can save electricity consumption up to 65.7%.

Keywords: energy audit, IKE, AC

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Last update: 2025-03-11 21:37:03

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