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*Ryan Arya Pramudya  -  Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
S Subiyanto  -  Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

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Finding fastest route is necessary for evacuation process when a disaster happened. Route that generated slightly made evacuation process easily. The availability about route distance and line direction can be considered when route finding process takes place. Geographic information systems can be used with Dijkstra algorithms in the network analyst as a method to find a route that serves to reduce losses that occur when the landslide occurred. In combination with ArcView system where there is an avenue script that can be modified to build a system. By utilizing Dijkstra algorithms in the network analyst, the search becomes faster and can provide information on how long the evacuation route should be, which will help the government in the decision-making process of disaster mitigation. Validation of the system is done by comparing manual counting with Dijkstra algorithms and automatic counting by the network analyst. The difference between manual counting and network analyst as far as two meters, so that the system closer to the real and could be used for determining evacuation route. © 2015 GJGP UNDIP. All rights reserved.
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Keywords: Dijkstra Algorithm; Network Analyst; Avenue Script; Evacuation Route

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Last update: 2025-03-06 16:18:27

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