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*Febrina Sri Arta  -  Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Bitta Pigawati  -  Diponegoro University, Indonesia

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East Ungaran District is a peri-urban area arising from the urban-rural interaction between Semarang City and Semarang Regency. Interaction of these two regions is supported with the accessibility that is characterized by high commuting flows. The impact of this interaction is mix of urban and rural characteristics in East Ungaran District. This conditions will also affect land use in East Ungaran District, such as housing, economic facilities, and residential infrastructure. The increase of unplanned settlements has the potential to lead to inefficient land use, particularly in residential infrastructure. The purpose of this research is to examine patterns and characteristics of settlements in the East Ungaran District in 2015. This research uses descriptive quantitative with a spatial approach using remote sensing techniques. The results show that there are two types of settlement patterns in East Ungaran District, i.e, clustered pattern and random pattern. The characteristics of settlements are medium up to the good socio-economic condition (such as high income, good education, certificate ownership, permanent construction of housing, and good health) and good condition in infrastructure (determined by road conditions, sources of clean water, waste disposal systems, and sanitary systems). © 2015 GJGP UNDIP. All rights reserved.
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Keywords: Settlements Characteristic; Peri-Urban; East Ungaran District

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Last update: 2025-03-19 21:12:05

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