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@article{JITAA7409, author = {U. Santoso and K. Kususiyah and Y. Fenita}, title = {EFFECT OF SAUROPUS ANDROGYNUS LEAVES EXTRACT (SALE) ON FAT DEPOSITION IN BROILER FED LOW PROTEIN DIETS}, journal = {Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture}, volume = {38}, number = {3}, year = {2013}, keywords = {Sauropus androgynus extract. fat deposition. low protein diet. broiler}, abstract = {The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of Sauropus Androgynus Leaves Extract(SALE) on broiler chickens fed low protein diets. Eighty four mixed broiler chickens (male:female =1:1) aged 20 days were distributed to seven treatment groups as follows: 1) Broilers fed 19% proteinwithout SALE (P0); 2) Broilers fed 19% protein plus 4.5 g SALE/kg (P1); 3) Broilers fed 17% proteinplus 4,5 g SALE/kg (P2); 4) Broilers fed 15% protein plus 4.5 g SALE/kg (P3); 5) Broilers fed 19%protein plus 9 g SALE/kg (P4); 6) Broilers fed 17% protein plus 9 g SALE/kg (P5); 7) Broilers fed15% protein plus 9 g SALE/kg (P6). Experimental results showed that supplementation of Sauropusandrogynus extract to low protein diets had no effect on meat colour, haemorrhages scale in breastmeat, and fatty liver score (P>0.05), but it significantly affected haemorrhages scale in thigh meat(P<0,01), shank colour, meat taste and flavour (P<0.05). In addition, supplementation of the extractsignificantly affected meat fat content (P<0.05) and meat cholesterol content (P<0.01), but it had noeffect on meat protein content (P>0.05). It can be concluded that the leaves extract of Sauropusandrogynus supplementation at level of 9 g/kg diets normalized fat deposition in broiler chickens fedlow protein diets. SALE improved broiler meat qualities.}, issn = {2460-6278}, pages = {176--184} doi = {10.14710/jitaa.38.3.176-184}, url = {} }
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Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University
Campus Drh. Soejono Koesoemowardojo,Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH., Tembalang, SemarangIndonesia 50275
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