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Hubungan Faktor-Faktor Lingkungan Fisik Rumah dengan Kejadian Pneumonia pada Balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jatibarang Kabupaten Brebes

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Background : Pneumonia is the leading killer of children under the age of five years (Toddlers) in the world. In the
world, from 9 million deaths of more than 2 million children under five die every year due Toddler pneumonia or
equal to 4 Toddler dies every minute of it. Jatibarang health center in the working area of 2009 there were 709
cases of children suffering from pneumonia and increased to 747 in 2010. On the other hand a healthy house
coverage is only 36.40%.
Methode : The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between physical environmental factors
with the incidence of pneumonia at children under five years on PHC Jatibarang Brebes.
This was an observational study with case control study design. The subjects were divided into two groups: case and control groups with 74 subjects in each group. Variables examined in this study were physical enviroment factors in housing with pneumonia on children under five years. Data was collected by interview, observation and measurement. Analysis of data using univariate analysis, bivariate with Chi-square and multivariate with logistic regression.
Result : The result of bivariate analysis indicated that there was a correlation between the incidence of
pneumonia in children under five years with type of wall, type of floors, natural lighting, residential density, area
ventilation, insulation kitchen, humidity room and toddler room temperature. With Odds Ratio (OR) in order:
3.034 (p = 0.003); 2.635: 2.202: 2.234: 2.218: 2.517: 2.872 and 3.390. The results of logistic regression test showed that there was a significant association between the incidence of pneumonia in infants with room temperature, type of walls, spacious rooms with ventilation and humidity in sequence OR 4.380; 2.753; 2.734, and 2.671.
Conclusion : The conclusion of this research indicated that the type of wall, type of floors, natural lighting,
residential density, area ventilation, insulation kitchen, humidity room and toddler room temperature a risk
factor for pneumonia among children under five

Keywords: Physical Environment of house, pneumonia, children under five years

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Last update: 2025-03-03 11:30:36

  1. Physical environment of houses as determinants of pneumonia among children in country sides

    Gunawan A.T.. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 9 (12), 2018. doi: 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.01865.X