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Sistem Pengendali Inventori Supply Chain Dengan Pendekatan Probabilitas Pada Industri Pakaian

*Mustafid . scopus  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Alzena Dona Sabila  -  PPD Polinema di Jepara, Indonesia
Suryono .  -  Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2018 JSINBIS (Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis)

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Inventory control systems have an important role in supply chain management to control process of production, inventory and distribution of products in accordance with rapidly changing consumer demand. The research aims to develop inventory control system on supply chain that can manage the number of production and supply of products based on variables of consumer demand and lead time. Supply chain inventory control systems are designed using model of supply chain inventory control within the information system framework. Model of inventory control using variable of demand lead time is designed by  probability approach. Input to the system are data of demand and lead time sent by retail. The results of research provide theory of supply chain inventory control system with probability approach, especially on developing the theory of probability distribution for combined variables from  two random variables of normal distributed.  Inventory control system used to determine safety stock and reorder point as the basis for determining  the replenishment stock. Furthermore by the system, supply chain management can manage the estimation of production number, and manage inventory and stock number of products in warehouse, supplier and retail in accordance with the consumer demand.

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Keywords: Inventory control system, Supply chain, Probability approach, Safety stock, Reoder point.

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