BibTex Citation Data :
@article{KAJIANSASTRA2685, author = {Jumino Jumino}, title = {KEPRIBADIAN GANDA TOKOH DR HENRY JEKYLL DALAM NOVEL Dr JEKYLL AND Mr HYDE KARYA R.L. STEVENSON}, journal = {KAJIAN SASTRA}, volume = {34}, number = {2}, year = {2012}, keywords = {}, abstract = { No person in the world is perfect. He/She has both good and bad sides of personality, which should be balanced and cannot be separated. However, Dr Henry Jeckyll, the main character of RL Stevenson’s Dr Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde, tries to seperate his good and bad sides of personality. As Dr Jeckyll with good personality, he enjoys honorable and respectful life. Meanwhile, as Mr Hyde, he enjoys wicked and evil life. To do this he uses special potion as the result of his experiment. This second life, however, is gradually getting stronger, so he needs more and more potion to transform him back to Dr Jeckyll. Finally his potion does not work any longer, and this leads to his horrible death. }, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
No person in the world is perfect. He/She has both good and bad sides of personality, which should be balanced and cannot be separated. However, Dr Henry Jeckyll, the main character of RL Stevenson’s Dr Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde, tries to seperate his good and bad sides of personality. As Dr Jeckyll with good personality, he enjoys honorable and respectful life. Meanwhile, as Mr Hyde, he enjoys wicked and evil life. To do this he uses special potion as the result of his experiment. This second life, however, is gradually getting stronger, so he needs more and more potion to transform him back to Dr Jeckyll. Finally his potion does not work any longer, and this leads to his horrible death.
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Last update: 2025-03-11 08:56:19