Ekstrak Herbal (Daun Salam, Jintan Hitam, Daun Seledri) dan Kadar IL-6 Plasma Penderita Hiperurisemia

Dwi Ngestiningsih, Suyanto Hadi


Herbal extract (Eugenia polyantha, Nigella sativa, Apium graveolens) and IL-6 plasma level of hyperuricaemic patients

Background: Hyperuricaemia stimulates pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6. They also will stimulate leucocyte adhesion molecule. Suplementation of bay-leaf (Eugenia polyantha), celery herb (Apium graveolens) and blackseed (Nigella sativa) had known to decrease inflammatory cytokines response including IL-6 blood level. These herbal are common in Indonesia but have not clinically studied correlation with IL-6 pro inflammatory cytokine in human. The aim study was to determine the effect of herbal extract on IL-6 blood level of hyperuricaemic patients.

Methods: This study was an experimental study with double blind randomised clinical trial, held on 2007 March–2008 February. Samples were hyperuricaemic patiens in clinic and wards of internal medicine and geriatric RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. They were divided into 2 groups: (1) Extract herbal and (2) placebo group. IL-6 blood level were tested before and 4 weeks after treatment using ELISA methode.

Results: Subjects were 43 hyperuricaemic patients (22 in herbal treatment group compare with 21 in placebo group). The mean of basic IL-6 level in herbal group was 214.58 pg/dl whereas in placebo was 182.89 pg/dl. The mean of outcome IL-6 level in herbal group was 192.15 pg/dl whereas in placebo group was 254,00 pg/dl. The mean of IL-6 delta level in herbal group was -22.43 pg/dl whereas in placebo was 71.11 pg/dl (p:0.045). The mean of IL-6 ratio in herbal group was 1142.16% whereas in placebo was 754.45% (p:0.052).

Conclusion: The herbal extract being used uric acid lowering agent decreases IL-6 level.

Keywords: IL-6, Eugenia polyantha, Apium graveolens, Nigella sativa

Latar belakang: Hiperurisemia akan memacu produksi sitokin proinflamasi TNF-α, IL-1 dan IL-6. Ketiga sitokin tadi akan memacu penarikan lekosit ke daerah deposit kristal monosodium urat dan melipatgandakan respon inflamasi. Daun salam (Eugenia polyantha), seledri (Apium graveolens), dan biji jinten hitam (Nigella sativa) pada percobaan terdahulu dapat menurunkan respon inflamasi termasuk kadar IL-6 pada respon inflamasi. Ketiga tanaman ini sangat banyak digunakan di Indonesia namun sampai saat ini belum dilakukan uji klinik pada manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efek pemberian formula ekstrak herbal terhadap kadar IL-6 serum penderita hiperurisemia.

Metoda: Penelitian ini adalah eksperimental yaitu double blind randomised clinical trial (RCT), dilaksanakan Maret 2007–Februari 2008. Subyek penelitian adalah penderita hiperurisemia usia 18 tahun yang berobat di Poliklinik/Rawat Inap Penyakit Dalam dan Geriatri RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Sampel dibagi menjadi kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kelola. Dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar IL-6 darah sebelum dan setelah 4 minggu perlakuan. IL-6 diperiksa dengan cara ELISA.

Hasil: Sampel sebanyak 43 orang (22 orang kelompok herbal dan 21 orang kelompok plasebo). Rerata kadar IL-6 awal kelompok herbal 214,58 pg/dl sedangkan kelompok plasebo 182,89 pg/dl. Rerata kadar IL-6 akhir kelompok herbal 192,15 pg/dl sedangkan kelompok plasebo 254,00 pg/dl. Rerata delta kadar IL-6 kelompok ekstrak herbal -22,43 pg/dl dan kelompok plasebo 71,11 pg/dl (p:0,045). Rerata rasio IL-6 pada kelompok herbal 1142,16% sedangkan pada kelompok plasebo 754,45% (p:0,052).

Simpulan: Ekstrak herbal penurun asam urat dapat menurunkan kadar IL-6 serum penderita hiperurisemia.


IL-6, Eugenia polyantha, Apium graveolens, Nigella sativa

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