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DUA BUDAYA: PERTANIAN DAN INDUSTRI Studi Kasus dalam Masyarakat Pesisir Dukuh Tapak, Kelurahan Tugurejo, Kecamatan Tugu, Kota Semarang

Program Magister Manajemen Sumberdaya Pantai, Universitas Diponegoro,, Indonesia

Published: .
Editor(s): SABDA Budaya

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This study examines two cultural forms of livelihood in coastal communities Dukuh Tapak, Kelurahan Tugurejo, Semarang. This research purpose is to identify the conditions of each individual and family livelihood, a reason to the dualism of livelihood, and the influence of industry on the social and economic life. This research use a qualitative method, collecting primary data through in-depth interviews and observation, secondary data obtained from study of literature and documents. The results showed that Dukuh Tapak's people have a livelihood as factory employees while managing the fish farm as a sideline. Most people who work in factories are women and youth as a bid to shore up their family economy. Industrialization did not significantly affect the socio-economic conditions, in which a sense of kinship and mutual help are still well preserved. While in terms of economic, a family with two types of livelihood tend to be more established than a family with only working either in the industry or the agricultural sector.
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Keywords: ivelihood; industrialization; fish farmers

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Last update: 2025-02-23 04:29:07

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