BibTex Citation Data :
@article{BULOMA50374, author = {Achmad Nagi and Gandhi Napitupulu and Ivonne Radjawane and Susanna Nurdjaman and Dedi Supriadi and Dewi Nurhayati}, title = {Pemetaan Zona Potensial Penangkapan Ikan Tongkol di Perairan Teluk Banten}, journal = {Buletin Oseanografi Marina}, volume = {12}, number = {3}, year = {2023}, keywords = {Klorofil-a; Monsun; Tongkol; SPL}, abstract = { Ikan Tongkol ( Euthynnus affinis) adalah komoditas di perairan Teluk Banten yang memiliki nilai produksi tinggi. Potensi ini bisa dimanfaatkan secara maksimal melalui pengetahuan tentang Zona Potensial Penangkapan Ikan (ZPPI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara parameter oseanografi (suhu permukaan laut (SPL) dan klorofil-a) dan hasil tangkapan Ikan Tongkol, serta membuat pemetaan ZPPI Ikan Tongkol pada tahun 2014-2019. Prediksi ZPPI dilakukan melalui pendekatan parameter oseanografi berdasarkan citra satelit dan data hasil tangkapan Ikan Tongkol. Rata-rata tertinggi produksi Ikan Tongkol tahun 2014-2019 di Teluk Banten diperoleh selama musim peralihan I dengan SPL 29,92C – 30,98C dan konsentrasi klorofil-a 0,99 – 1,13 mg/m³. Analisis pengaruh SPL dan klorofil-a pada tangkapan dilakukan dengan regresi berganda. Pengaruh SPL dan klorofil-a terhadap hasil tangkapan dinilai cukup kuat berdasarkan dari koefisien korelasi () 0,743 dan koefisien determinasi () sebesar 0,551. Nilai dapat memberikan penjelasan bahwa SPL dan klorofil-a mempengaruhi hasil tangkapan sebesar 55,1%. Melalui Analisis Wavelet diperoleh persebaran klorofil-a dominan dipengaruhi faktor monsun sedangkan pengaruh IOD ( Indian Ocean Dipole) dan ENSO (El Niño–Southern Oscillation) lemah, sehingga pemetaan ZPPI disusun berdasarkan empat musim. ZPPI yang memiliki potensi lokasi terbanyak diperoleh pada musim barat sejumlah 13 titik. Selanjutnya, berkurang pada musim peralihan I sebanyak 10 titik, musim peralihan II sebanyak 6 titik, dan musim timur sebanyak 4 titik. Mackarel Tuna (Euthynnus affinis) is a commodity in Banten Bay waters that has high production value. This potential can be maximally utilized through knowledge of the Potential Fishing Zone ( ). This study aims to analyze the relationship between oceanographic parameters (sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a) and the catch of Mackarel Tuna, and create PFZ mapping of Mackarel Tuna in 2014-2019. The prediction of PFZ is done through the approach of oceanographic parameters based on satellite imagery and catch data. The highest average production of Mackarel Tuna in 2014-2019 in Banten Bay was obtained during transitional season I with a SST of 29.92°C - 30.98°C and a chlorophyll-a concentration of 0.99 - 1.13 mg/m³. Analysis of the effect of SST and chlorophyll-a on catch was done with multiple regression. The influence of SST and chlorophyll-a on catch was considered quite strong based on the correlation coefficient ( ) of 0.743 and the coefficient of determination ( ) of 0.551. The value can provide an explanation that SST and chlorophyll-a affect the catch by 55.1%. Through Wavelet Analysis, it is obtained that the distribution of chlorophyll-a is dominantly influenced by monsoon factors while the influence of IOD (Indian Ocean Dipole) and ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) is weak, so that mapping is organized based on four seasons. The that has the most potential locations is obtained in the west season with 13 points. Furthermore, it decreases in the first transition season with 10 points, the second transition season with 6 points, and the eastern season with 4 points. }, issn = {2550-0015}, pages = {379--394} doi = {10.14710/buloma.v12i3.50374}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus affinis) adalah komoditas di perairan Teluk Banten yang memiliki nilai produksi tinggi. Potensi ini bisa dimanfaatkan secara maksimal melalui pengetahuan tentang Zona Potensial Penangkapan Ikan (ZPPI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara parameter oseanografi (suhu permukaan laut (SPL) dan klorofil-a) dan hasil tangkapan Ikan Tongkol, serta membuat pemetaan ZPPI Ikan Tongkol pada tahun 2014-2019. Prediksi ZPPI dilakukan melalui pendekatan parameter oseanografi berdasarkan citra satelit dan data hasil tangkapan Ikan Tongkol. Rata-rata tertinggi produksi Ikan Tongkol tahun 2014-2019 di Teluk Banten diperoleh selama musim peralihan I dengan SPL 29,92C – 30,98C dan konsentrasi klorofil-a 0,99 – 1,13 mg/m³. Analisis pengaruh SPL dan klorofil-a pada tangkapan dilakukan dengan regresi berganda. Pengaruh SPL dan klorofil-a terhadap hasil tangkapan dinilai cukup kuat berdasarkan dari koefisien korelasi () 0,743 dan koefisien determinasi () sebesar 0,551. Nilai dapat memberikan penjelasan bahwa SPL dan klorofil-a mempengaruhi hasil tangkapan sebesar 55,1%. Melalui Analisis Wavelet diperoleh persebaran klorofil-a dominan dipengaruhi faktor monsun sedangkan pengaruh IOD (Indian Ocean Dipole) dan ENSO (El Niño–Southern Oscillation) lemah, sehingga pemetaan ZPPI disusun berdasarkan empat musim. ZPPI yang memiliki potensi lokasi terbanyak diperoleh pada musim barat sejumlah 13 titik. Selanjutnya, berkurang pada musim peralihan I sebanyak 10 titik, musim peralihan II sebanyak 6 titik, dan musim timur sebanyak 4 titik.
Mackarel Tuna (Euthynnus affinis) is a commodity in Banten Bay waters that has high production value. This potential can be maximally utilized through knowledge of the Potential Fishing Zone (). This study aims to analyze the relationship between oceanographic parameters (sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a) and the catch of Mackarel Tuna, and create PFZ mapping of Mackarel Tuna in 2014-2019. The prediction of PFZ is done through the approach of oceanographic parameters based on satellite imagery and catch data. The highest average production of Mackarel Tuna in 2014-2019 in Banten Bay was obtained during transitional season I with a SST of 29.92°C - 30.98°C and a chlorophyll-a concentration of 0.99 - 1.13 mg/m³. Analysis of the effect of SST and chlorophyll-a on catch was done with multiple regression. The influence of SST and chlorophyll-a on catch was considered quite strong based on the correlation coefficient () of 0.743 and the coefficient of determination () of 0.551. The value can provide an explanation that SST and chlorophyll-a affect the catch by 55.1%. Through Wavelet Analysis, it is obtained that the distribution of chlorophyll-a is dominantly influenced by monsoon factors while the influence of IOD (Indian Ocean Dipole) and ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) is weak, so that mapping is organized based on four seasons. The that has the most potential locations is obtained in the west season with 13 points. Furthermore, it decreases in the first transition season with 10 points, the second transition season with 6 points, and the eastern season with 4 points.
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Last update: 2025-03-14 14:01:25
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