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*Nurul Khakhim  -  Cartography and Remote Sensing, Indonesia
Akbar Cahyadhi Pratama Putra  -  Remote Sensing Department, Earthline, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tantri Utami Widhaningtyas  -  Cartography and Remote Sensing, Indonesia

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Mangrove forest represented a coastal ecosystem in Indonesia. Theoretical validation and in-field measurement by calculating the number of trees and the density data that was validated through remote sensing would not be appropriate because the remote sensing recorded canopy density and not tree stands. New method canopy photography or gap fraction method was the technique to predict sun radiation using the photograph taken upward through extremely wide lens and classification object image. The objectives of the study were (1) to examine the acuracy of the estimation of the mangrove forest density using vegetation index transformation, and (2) to map the mangrove forest condition. The location of the study was Alas Purwo Resort Grajagan National Park area. The material of the study was Landsat-8 OLI image recorded on January 19th, 2016 using SAVI vegetation index transformation method. Gap fraction filed measurement method was a new method in Indonesia. The results of the study showed that the regression of the SAVI index between index transformation value and in-field condition (R2) was 0.566, the forest density estimation resulting from the SAVI index transformation had the RMSE of 2.334178 and the density of the mangrove forest in Grajagan Bay of the Alas Purwo National Park included low density of 0-12.5% (30.42 ha), medium density of 12.6-25% (116.55 ha), and high density of 25.1-37.6% (463.68 ha).
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Keywords: Mapping; Estimate; Remote Sensing; Mangrove Forest; Gap Fraction; Landsat-8 OLI;
Funding: faculty of geography, universitas gadjah mada; taman nasional alas purwo

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