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*Siti Nuurlaily Rukmana  -  PGRI Adibuana University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Iwan Rudiarto  -  Diponegoro University, Indonesia

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The development of suburban areas of Malang City has developed an expansion of built-up areas between urban and suburban areas. There has been a great phenomenon that mostly occurs along the suburban areas where industrial activities took place. This study aims to determine what factors have influenced the land use change in the suburban areas of Malang City by employing “GeoDa” application. It is one of the Geographical Information System applications that particularly deals with statistical analysis. To achieve this purpose, the objectives are: delineating the study area, analyzing the characteristics of land use change, assessing and analyzing the variable influencing the land use change. The results have shown that the characteristics of land use change, such as population, distance, migration, and occupation transformation are directly proportional to the land use change. It has also been identified that the high level of density is only located in the surrounding areas of industries. From the assessed variables through the statistical model, population (X1), density (X2) and migration (X3) are found as the influencing factors of land use change.
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Keywords: Landuse change; suburban area; spatial regression; Malang

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