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Aisya Jaya Dhannahisvara  -  Cartography and Remote Sensing, Dept. of Geographic Information Science, Indonesia
Hartono Harjo  -  Cartography and Remote Sensing, Indonesia
*Pramaditya Wicaksono orcid  -  Remote Sensing Laboratory, Dept. of Geographic Information Science, Indonesia
Ferman Setia Nugroho  -  Stasiun Bumi Penginderaan Jauh LAPAN, Parepare, Indonesia, Indonesia

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Spatial distribution and concentration of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) is one of the coastal parameters which are required to be examined in order to understand the quality of the water. Rapid development of remote sensing technology has resulted in the emergence of various methods to estimate TSS concentration. SPOT-6 data has spatial, spectral, and temporal characteristics that can be used to estimate TSS concentration. The purposes of this research are (1) to determine the best method for estimating TSS concentration, (2) to map TSS distribution, and (3) to determine the correlation between TSS concentration and chlorophyll-a concentration using SPOT-6 data in Segara Anakan. The estimation of TSS concentration in this research was performed using empirical model built from SPOT-6 and TSS field data. Bands used in this research are single band data (blue, green, red, and near infrared) and transformed bands such as band ratio (12 combinations), Normalized Difference Suspended Solid Index (NDSSI), and Suspended Solid Concentration Index (SSC). The result shows that blue, green, red, and near infrared bands and SSC index significantly correlated to TSS. Afterwards, regression analysis was performed to determine the function that can be used to predict TSS concentration using SPOT-6 data. Regression function used are linear and non-linear (exponential, logarithmic, 2nd order polynomial, and power). The best model was chosen based on the accuracy assessment using Standard Error of Estimate (SE). The selected model was used to calculate total TSS concentration and was correlated with chlorophyll-a field data. The result of accuracy test shows that the model from blue band has an accuracy of 70.68 %, green band 70.68 %, red band 75.73 %, near infrared band 65.58 %, and SSC 73.67 %. The accuracy test shows that red band produced the best prediction model for mapping TSS concentration distribution. The total TSS concentration, which was calculated using red band empirical model, is estimated to be 6.13 t. According to the correlation test, TSS concentration in Segara Anakan has no significant correlation with chlorophyll-a concentration, with a coefficient correlation value of -0.265.

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Keywords: Band Ratio; SPOT-6; Total Suspended Solid; Chlorophyll-a; Transformation indices;

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Last update: 2025-03-07 08:43:32

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