BibTex Citation Data :
@article{geoplanning66452, author = {J Jumadi and Danardono Danardono and Kuswaji Priyono and Efri Roziaty and Heni Masruroh and Arif Rohman and Choirul Amin and Hamim Hadibasyir and Vidya Fikriyah and Muhammad Nawaz and Farha Sattar and Aynaz Lotfata}, title = {Utilizing Open Access Spatial Data for Flood Risk Mapping: A Case Study in the Upper Solo Watershed}, journal = {Geoplanning: Journal of Geomatics and Planning}, volume = {11}, number = {2}, year = {2024}, keywords = {Natural Hazard, Flood, Risk, GIS, Solo River Watershed}, abstract = { Indonesia is experiencing a rise in natural disasters due to its geographical position within a tropical region, with the Upper Solo River watershed exhibiting a heightened risk of flooding. This region has already suffered numerous floods due to excessive precipitation and insufficient drainage. Susceptibility, hazard, and risk studies have been conducted to investigate this phenomenon but have been limited to specific regions within the catchment area. This study aims to construct a GIS-based flood risk model using Open-Access Spatial Data (OASD) based on diverse physical characteristics, urbanization levels, and population. We used several OASD, including SRTM, Sentinel 2 MSI, GPM v6, NASA-USDA Enhanced SMAP Global Soil Moisture Data, GHS-SMOD R2023A - Global Human Settlement Layers, and GHSL: Global Population Surfaces 1975-2030 (P2023A). The model integrates the risk parameters to identify flood risk using a weighted overlay in ArcGIS. The results demonstrate spatial heterogeneity in flood risk throughout the watershed. The result also reveals that Surakarta City, with a high proportion of its area in the 'High' (57.3%) and 'Very High' (29.54%) risk categories, is at the highest risk of flooding within the watershed. The study enhances understanding of this topic by comprehensively evaluating flood hazards, vulnerabilities, and risks. It highlights the significance of utilizing low-cost OASD to improve flood preparedness and response strategies. }, issn = {2355-6544}, pages = {189--204} doi = {10.14710/geoplanning.11.2.189-204}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Indonesia is experiencing a rise in natural disasters due to its geographical position within a tropical region, with the Upper Solo River watershed exhibiting a heightened risk of flooding. This region has already suffered numerous floods due to excessive precipitation and insufficient drainage. Susceptibility, hazard, and risk studies have been conducted to investigate this phenomenon but have been limited to specific regions within the catchment area. This study aims to construct a GIS-based flood risk model using Open-Access Spatial Data (OASD) based on diverse physical characteristics, urbanization levels, and population. We used several OASD, including SRTM, Sentinel 2 MSI, GPM v6, NASA-USDA Enhanced SMAP Global Soil Moisture Data, GHS-SMOD R2023A - Global Human Settlement Layers, and GHSL: Global Population Surfaces 1975-2030 (P2023A). The model integrates the risk parameters to identify flood risk using a weighted overlay in ArcGIS. The results demonstrate spatial heterogeneity in flood risk throughout the watershed. The result also reveals that Surakarta City, with a high proportion of its area in the 'High' (57.3%) and 'Very High' (29.54%) risk categories, is at the highest risk of flooding within the watershed. The study enhances understanding of this topic by comprehensively evaluating flood hazards, vulnerabilities, and risks. It highlights the significance of utilizing low-cost OASD to improve flood preparedness and response strategies.
Article Metrics:
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Last update: 2025-03-26 01:36:15