There are 2 ways the author can get an account:
a. Register yourself (on the main menu link "Register")
b. Registered by the Journal Manager
How to register yourself (a):
a. On the main menu, click "Register"
b. Fill in the registration form, with an asterisk that must be filled in, such as: username, password, repeat password, validation, first name, last name, and email
c. Don't forget the bottom line, you can also offer yourself as a Reviewer (on the Register As line)
d. Click Register when finished
*If (a) fails, please contact email to be registered by the journal manager (b)
Online submission guidelines are as follows
1. First Step: Create Submission
a. Step 1.Start submission: check all submission checklists, then fill in the comment for editor form (message for the editor so that the submitted articles can be published)
b. Step 2. Upload Submission: please upload the word file
c. Step 3. Entering the Submission's Metadata: please fill in metadata including author, title, abstract, keywords
d. Step 4. Uploading Supplementary Files (supporting files from submitted articles)
e. Step 5. Confirming the Submission
f. Click Finish & Active Submission, Finish
2. Second step: If the article has been reviewed and there are revisions
a. Login as Author
b. The article will display the status "In Review: Revisions Required"
c. Select the article
d. Read the comments of editors and reviewers in the Editor Decision sub menu
e. Fix the article
f. Upload articles and send messages to the editor
*Always chek your regestered email for further information from journal manager/editor
Humanika by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University
Prof. Soedarto, SH Street, Tembalang, Semarang, Central Java 50275, Indonesia