1Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia, Gd. Widyasatwaloka, Bidang Zoologi, Pusat Penelitian Biologi LIPI, Indonesia
2Jln. Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km. 48 Cibinong 16911 Indonesia, Indonesia
3Departemen Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan, FPIK IPB, Indonesia
4 Jln. Agatis, Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor 16680 Indonesia, Indonesia
5 Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan, Jakarta, Indonesia
6 Jln. Raya Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12520 Indonesia, Indonesia
7 Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengolahan Produk dan Bioteknologi,, Indonesia
8 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kelautan Perikanan, Indonesia
9 Jln. Petamburan VI, Slipi Jakarta Pusat 10260 Indonesia, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IK.IJMS8800, author = {Ahmad Zahid and M.F. Rahardjo and Lenny Syafei and Rini Susilowati}, title = {Ekologi Trofik Komunitas Ikan di Perairan Segara Menyan, Subang, Jawa Barat (Trophic Ecology of the Fish Community in Segara Menyan Coastal Lagoon, Subang, West Java)}, journal = {ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, year = {2015}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Pengetahuan mengenai ekologi trofik merupakan dasar dalam memahami ekosistem secara keseluruhan yang dapat dijelaskan melalui pola hubungan trofik interspesies ataupun interserikat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menjelaskan ekologi trofik meliputi indeks trofik dan jenis makanan dominan, serikat dan tingkat trofik, dan variasi spasial dan temporal komunitas ikan di estuari Segara Menyan. Pengambilan ikan contoh dilakukan setiap bulan pada zona berbeda. Ikan contoh dipisahkan berdasarkan waktu dan lokasi pengamatan, dianalisis isi saluran pencernaannya. Analisa data meliputi indeks vakuitas, jumlah total organisme makanan, jenis makanan dominan, luas relung makanan, dan tingkat trofik. Pada pengamatan 106 spesies ikan, sebanyak 1-380 saluran pencernaan ikan diamati. Sebanyak lima dari 106 spesies memiliki nilai indeks vakuitas “0” dan jumlah makanan yang dikonsumsi bervariasi mulai dari empat hingga 27 jenis makanan. Secara umum, luas relung ikan adalah rendah berkisar 0,20-0,78 dan kebanyakan berada pada kisaran 0,20-0,48. Zooplankton merupakan jenis makanan paling dominan dikonsumsi oleh ikan. Komunitas ikan dikelompokkan dalam tujuh serikat trofik, yaitu detritivora, fitoplanktivora, zooplanktivora, zoobentivora, moluskivora, krustasivora, dan pisivora. Tingkat trofik komunitas ikan berkisar 2,05-4,73. Faktor perubahan ontogenetik, persediaan makanan, karakteristik habitat, dan ruaya beberapa spesies ikan memengaruhi variasi spasio-temporal jejaring makanan di Segara Menyan. Kata kunci : interaksi trofik , laguna , ikan , variasi spasio-temporal , serikat trofik Knowledge of trophic ecology is one way to understanding the whole ecosystem which explained by trophic relationship pattern (interspecies or interguild). The objective research was described of the trophic ecology, i.e. trophic index and dominant prey, trophic guild and trophic level, and spatio-temporal variation of fish community in Segara Menyan coastal lagoon. Fish were collected monthly for one year at three zones. Fish samples were placed in separate labelled plastic bags according to the time scale and location sampling, then gut contents were analyzed. The data of vacuity index, number of prey, prey dominant, diet breadth, and trophic level were analyzed. For each of 106 fish species, between 1 and 380 stomachs, were examined. The vacuity index was also different among species. Five of 106 species had a vacuity index of “0” and total number of food items consumed varied between fish species, ranging from three items to 27 items. The overall diet breadth (Bi) was relatively low among species, ranging from 0.20 to 0.78, with most of them between 0.20 and 0.48. Calanoid copepods comprised the most common food item consumed by all the fishes examined. Fishes occurring can be broadly categorized into seven different trophic guilds. The trophic level of fish communities ranged from 2.05 to 4.73. Spatio-temporal variation of food web was influenced of ontogenetic shift, food availability, habitat characteristic, and migration of some species in Segara Menyan coastal lagoon . Keywords : trophic interaction, lagoon, fishes, spatio-temporal variation, trophic guild }, issn = {2406-7598}, pages = {170--186} doi = {10.14710/ik.ijms.20.3.170-186}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/ijms/article/view/8800} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Pengetahuan mengenai ekologi trofik merupakan dasar dalam memahami ekosistem secara keseluruhan yang dapat dijelaskan melalui pola hubungan trofik interspesies ataupun interserikat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menjelaskan ekologi trofik meliputi indeks trofik dan jenis makanan dominan, serikat dan tingkat trofik, dan variasi spasial dan temporal komunitas ikan di estuari Segara Menyan. Pengambilan ikan contoh dilakukan setiap bulan pada zona berbeda. Ikan contoh dipisahkan berdasarkan waktu dan lokasi pengamatan, dianalisis isi saluran pencernaannya. Analisa data meliputi indeks vakuitas, jumlah total organisme makanan, jenis makanan dominan, luas relung makanan, dan tingkat trofik. Pada pengamatan 106 spesies ikan, sebanyak 1-380 saluran pencernaan ikan diamati. Sebanyak lima dari 106 spesies memiliki nilai indeks vakuitas “0” dan jumlah makanan yang dikonsumsi bervariasi mulai dari empat hingga 27 jenis makanan. Secara umum, luas relung ikan adalah rendah berkisar 0,20-0,78 dan kebanyakan berada pada kisaran 0,20-0,48. Zooplankton merupakan jenis makanan paling dominan dikonsumsi oleh ikan. Komunitas ikan dikelompokkan dalam tujuh serikat trofik, yaitu detritivora, fitoplanktivora, zooplanktivora, zoobentivora, moluskivora, krustasivora, dan pisivora. Tingkat trofik komunitas ikan berkisar 2,05-4,73. Faktor perubahan ontogenetik, persediaan makanan, karakteristik habitat, dan ruaya beberapa spesies ikan memengaruhi variasi spasio-temporal jejaring makanan di Segara Menyan.
Kata kunci: interaksi trofik, laguna, ikan, variasi spasio-temporal, serikat trofik
Knowledge of trophic ecology is one way to understanding the whole ecosystem which explained by trophic relationship pattern (interspecies or interguild). The objective research was described of the trophic ecology, i.e. trophic index and dominant prey, trophic guild and trophic level, and spatio-temporal variation of fish community in Segara Menyan coastal lagoon. Fish were collected monthly for one year at three zones. Fish samples were placed in separate labelled plastic bags according to the time scale and location sampling, then gut contents were analyzed. The data of vacuity index, number of prey, prey dominant, diet breadth, and trophic level were analyzed. For each of 106 fish species, between 1 and 380 stomachs, were examined. The vacuity index was also different among species. Five of 106 species had a vacuity index of “0” and total number of food items consumed varied between fish species, ranging from three items to 27 items. The overall diet breadth (Bi) was relatively low among species, ranging from 0.20 to 0.78, with most of them between 0.20 and 0.48. Calanoid copepods comprised the most common food item consumed by all the fishes examined. Fishes occurring can be broadly categorized into seven different trophic guilds. The trophic level of fish communities ranged from 2.05 to 4.73. Spatio-temporal variation of food web was influenced of ontogenetic shift, food availability, habitat characteristic, and migration of some species in Segara Menyan coastal lagoon.
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