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Prediction of Potential Fishing Zones for Skipjack Tuna During the Northwest Monsoon Using Remotely Sensed Satellite Data

1Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

2Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) Parepare, Indonesia

3Jl. Jend. A. Yani KM. 6, Kota Parepare, 91112 Indonesia, Indonesia

Received: 4 Oct 2015; Published: 5 Jun 2017.

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One of economically important fish in the Bay of Bone is Skipjack tuna which their distribution and migration are influenced by surrounding environment.  This study aims to investigate the relationship between skipjack tuna and their environments, and to predict potential fishing zones (PFZs) for the fish in the Bone Bay-Flores Sea using satellite-based oceanography and catch data. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to assess the relationship. A generalized linear model(GLM) constructed from GAMs was used for prediction. Monthly mean sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a during the northwest monsoon (December-January) together with catch data were used for the year 2012-2013. We used the GAMs to assess the effect of the environment variables on skipjack tuna CPUE (catch per unit effort). The best GLM was selected to predict skipjack tuna abundance.  Results indicated that the highest CPUEs (fish/trip) occurred in areas where SST and chlorophyll-a ranged from 29.5°-31.5°C and 0.15 - 0.25 mg m-3, respectively. The PFZs for skipjack were closely related to the spatial distribution of the optimum oceanographic conditions and these mainly developed in three locations, northern area of Bone Bay in December, in the middle area of the bay (4°-5.5°S and 120.5°-121.5°E) during January and moved to the Flores Sea in February. The movement of skipjack concentration was consistent with the fishery data.  This suggests that the dynamics of the optimum oceanographic signatures provided a good indicator for predicting feeding grounds as hotspot areas for skipjack tuna in Bone Bay-Flores Sea during northwest monsoon.


Keywordsskipjack tuna, potential fishing zones, satellite based-oceanographic data, Northwest monsoon

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Funding: Hibah Kompetensi, DIKTI 2015

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