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Faktor-faktor Penting Daya Tarik Stasiun Radio Bagi Pendengar Radio Di Kota Semarang

Published: 7 Jul 2012.

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Competition in the radio broadcasting in Semarang make every radio station in Semarang always give  something new, they modificate each element or even the format on broadcast radio, but at the end there is element  or factor that listener like and dislike. This article will determine what factors are the attractiveness of the radio stations for radio listeners in Semarang so that to radio person will know which factor is the most important one. When radio person know which factor is the most important one then they can fulfil wants and needs their listeners and win the competition


Keywords : broadcast, radio, the attractiveness of the radio station


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Last update: 2025-03-28 16:08:17

  1. Usability Testing for Android Radio Streaming Apps of Songgolangit FM

    Asy'Ari N.A.S.. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 127 (1), 2020. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1471/1/012011