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@article{Interaksi5408, author = {Alwin Basri}, title = {Evaluasi Bauran Pemasaran Politik Pasangan Kepala Daerah dalam Pemilukada (Studi Kasus Pasangan Ir. Hj Diah Soenarsasi-Milhouse Teddy Sulistio,SE dalam Pemilukada Kota Salatiga Tahun 2011)}, journal = {Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, year = {2013}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Abstract : The defeat of Ir. Hj Diah Soenarsasi -Milhouse Teddy Sulistio,SE in Salatiga local general election 2011 shocked many people. Ideally, if we recognize their added value compared to other candidates in term of popularity, power of oliticalparty machine, and Diah’s positions as incumbent in Salatiga, they should won the election. However, they were defeated by Yulianto-Haris in one round election. This study uses the political marketing mix (product,place, cost, and promotion) concept as the basis of analysis. With a qualitative casestudy method. The result showed that the defeat of the candidate were caused by weaknesses in all elements of political marketing mix. Keywords: product, place, price, promotions Abstraksi : Kekalahan pasangan Ir. Hj Diah Soenarsasi -Milhouse Teddy Sulistio,SE dalam Pemilukada Kota Salatiga tahun 2011 mengejutkan banyak orang. Jika melihat popularitas, ketokohan, pemegang jabatan incumbent, kekuatan politik di DPRD, serta partai pendukung semestinya pasangan tersebut mampu memenangkan Pemilukada Kota Salatiga. Namun demikian, justru mereka dikalahkan oleh pasangan Yulianto-Haris dalam satu putaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan political marketing mix (product,place, cost, and promotion) sebagai dasar untuk melakukan analisis dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kekalahan pasangan tersebut diantaranya disebabkan oleh ketidakkompakan pasangan sebagai bagian dari product dalam konsep political marketing mix. Kata Kunci: produk, tempat, harga, promosi }, issn = {2548-4907}, pages = {30--39} doi = {10.14710/interaksi.2.1.30-39}, url = {} }
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Abstract :
The defeat of Ir. Hj Diah Soenarsasi -Milhouse Teddy Sulistio,SE in Salatiga local general election 2011 shocked many people. Ideally, if we recognize their added value compared to other candidates in term of popularity, power of oliticalparty machine, and Diah’s positions as incumbent in Salatiga, they should won the election. However, they were defeated by Yulianto-Haris in one round election.
This study uses the political marketing mix (product,place, cost, and promotion) concept as the basis of analysis. With a qualitative casestudy method. The result showed that the defeat of the candidate were caused by weaknesses in all elements of political marketing mix.
Keywords: product, place, price, promotions
Abstraksi :
Kekalahan pasangan Ir. Hj Diah Soenarsasi -Milhouse Teddy Sulistio,SE dalam Pemilukada Kota Salatiga tahun 2011 mengejutkan banyak orang. Jika melihat popularitas, ketokohan, pemegang jabatan incumbent, kekuatan politik di DPRD, serta partai pendukung semestinya pasangan tersebut mampu memenangkan Pemilukada Kota Salatiga. Namun demikian, justru mereka dikalahkan oleh pasangan Yulianto-Haris dalam satu putaran.
Penelitian ini menggunakan political marketing mix (product,place, cost, and promotion) sebagai dasar untuk melakukan analisis dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kekalahan pasangan tersebut diantaranya disebabkan oleh ketidakkompakan pasangan sebagai bagian dari product dalam konsep political marketing mix.
Kata Kunci: produk, tempat, harga, promosi
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Last update: 2025-03-04 21:05:46