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*Yunanik Yunanik  -  Magister Manajemen Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright 2017 JURNAL BISNIS STRATEGI

How to cite (IEEE): Y. Yunanik, "IMPLEMENTASI ANALISIS JABATAN DALAM RANGKA MENYIAPKAN ORGANISASI AKAMIGAS MENUJU “STEM “AKAMIGAS” (Studi pada Akademi Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Cepu, Jawa Tengah)," JURNAL BISNIS STRATEGI, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 70-93, Apr. 2017.
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This case study aims to understand the implementation of job analysis and do job analysis correctly  and objectively, real, transparent, also comprehensive  and complete  on all job information in order to prepare the Akamigas organization  toward  STEM “Akamigas”.   This materials case study is consisted by the results of job analysis; they are job description and the job specification.  In addition,  this case study also illustrates  the constraints which are faced in the implementation of the results of job analysis.

This study  is a qualitative  research,  where  the data collection  is done through observation, interviews,  and documentation  study, also obtains information  through  the Forum Group Discussion  (FGD) with intent to obtain the results of objective interpretation, so it is able to explore more about the Job Analysis Implementation  in order to prepare the organization Akamigas  toward  STEM “Akamigas”.  The results  of data collection  were analyzed by qualitative methods using descriptive paradigm. Phenomenological approach which is reinforced by ethnography to find insight that is used to describe  a deep understanding  on the implementation of the analysis by the existing positions.

The findings  of this study indicate; generally, the results of job analysis that ideal has not been achieved, although  the employees and leaders understand the significance of job analysis. There are some  errors  in the implementation of job analysis, including  process, implementation,  evaluation position,  individual assessment, development training, job competency,  lack of human resources at this time, lack of communication that caused the problem.  Furthermore, analyzing all job information toward organization of STEM  “Akamigas” through  a study that is systematically  and regularly collecting  all the information  and facts that relate to a position. The result of study indicate; (1) there are job description which have not been included in old job analysis. (2) there is a change in the organizational structure of college that affect change in the echelon, number of position avalaible and nomenclature changes of organizational units.

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Keywords: qualitative, implementation, Job Analysis Result

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