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*Riana Magdalena  -  Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Indonesia
Vannie Vannie  -  Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Indonesia

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PT Tatalogam Lestari merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pembuatan genteng, baja ringan, serta aksesoris peratapan lainnya. Perusahaan sedang mengalami transisi sertifikasi kualitas produk menjadi ISO 9001:2015 yang berfokus pada pemetaan risiko untuk membuka peluang bagi perusahaan, “actions to address risks and oppurtunities”. Penelitian dilakukan atas kegiatan operasional di Plant L8 perusahaan dengan jenis risiko operasional. Identifikasi kejadian risiko dan agen risiko dilakukan melalui wawancara dan observasi di lingkungan pabrik. Penelitian menemukan 21 kejadian risiko (risk events) dan 20 agen risiko (risk agents). Pada HOR 1 dilakukan pengukuran severity pada risk events, occurrence pada risk agents, serta relationship antara risk events dan risk agents; dan menghasilkan nilai Aggregate Risk Potential, di mana ditemukan 8 risk agents yang menjadi 80% masalah dalam kegiatan operasional berdasarkan Pareto Diagram. HOR 2 mengidentifikasi 8 preventive actions dan perhitungan prioritas mitigasi yang sebaiknya dilakukan perusahaan berdasarkan nilai rasio antara efektivitas dan kesulitan implementasi preventive actions.


[Supply Chain Risk Analysis With House of Risk (HOR) Model In PT Tatalogam Lestari] PT Tatalogam Lestari is a company engaged in the manufacture of roof tiles, mild steel, and other roof accessories. The company is undergoing a transition from product quality certification to ISO 9001: 2015 which focuses on risk mapping to open opportunities for companies, "actions to address risks and opportunities". The research was carried out on operational activities in the company L8 with operational risk types. The identification of risk events and risk agents is done through interviews and observations in the factory environment. The study found 21 risk events and 20 risk agents. At HOR 1, severity is measured by risk events, the occurrence of risk agents, and the relationship between risk events and risk agents; and generates the value of Aggregate Risk Potential, where 8 risk agents were found which became 80% of problems in operational activities based on Pareto Diagrams. HOR 2 identifies 8 preventive actions and the calculation of mitigation priorities that should be carried out by the company based on the ratio between the effectiveness and difficulty of implementing preventive actions.

Keywords: operational risk; risk mapping; house of risk; aggregate risk potential

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Keywords: risiko operasional; pemetaan risiko; house of risk; agregate risk potential

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Last update: 2025-03-07 09:52:02

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