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*Winnie Septiani  -  Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
Didien Suhardini  -  Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
Emelia Sari  -  Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia

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Lokomotif memiliki peran sangat penting bagi PT.KAI (Persero) sebagai  penggerak kereta dan pendukung untuk sistem kelistrikan dan sistem penumatik bagi kereta.  Penilaian  dan evaluasi kinerja perawatan lokomotif saat ini belum dilakukan secara komprehensif, hanya dilakukan berdasarkan indikator Availability dan MKBF (Mean Kilometer Between Failure).  Pada penelitian ini akan pengukuran kinerja perawatan lokomotif berdasarkan model pengukuran kinerja Maintenance Scorecard (MSc). Model yang digunakan diperoleh berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebelumnya yang terdiri dari enam perspektif yaitu productivity, Cost Effectiveness, Quality, Environment, Safety dan Learning. Pengukuran kinerja perawatan lokomotif dimulai dengan menentukan target untuk setiap KPI, menentukan skala pengukuran, menentukan bobot KPI.  Penentuan target dilakukan dengan proses FGD. Proses pembobotan dilakukan dengan metode pairwise comparison dengan bantuan software Expert Choice. Hasil pengukuran kinerja perawatan lokomotif di Dipo Jatinegara diperoleh skor 2.8 yang menunjukan kinerja perawatan lokomotif dipo jatinegara ini cukup baik. Hasil Penilaian berturut – turut pada perspektifQuality (37%), Cost Effectiveness (53%), Productivity (55%), Environtment (56%), Safety (83%) dan Learning (84%).

Kata kunci : kinerja perawatan, lokomotif, maintenance scorecard




The locomotive has a very important role for PT.KAI (Limited) as a driver of the train, and support for electrical systems and systems for the railway penumatik. Assessment and evaluation of the performance of locomotive maintenance has not been done comprehensively, are solely based on indicators of Availability and MKBF (Mean Kilometer Between Failure). This research will measure the performance of locomotive maintenance by Maintenance Scorecard performance measurement model (MSc). The model used is obtained based on the results of previous studies of six perspectives, namely productivity, Cost Effectiveness, Quality, Environment, Safety and Learning Locomotive maintenance performance measurement begins by determining targets for each KPI, specify the scale of measurement, determine the weight of KPI. The selection of the carried the FGD process. Weighting process is done by pairwise comparison method with the help of Expert Choice software. The results of performance measurement in locomotive maintenance depot Jatinegara obtained score 2.8 which shows the performance of locomotive maintenance depot Jatinegara is pretty good. Successive Assessment - participated in perspektifQuality (37%), Cost Effectiveness (53%), Productivity (55%), Environtment (56%), safety (83%) and Learning (84%).

Keywords: performance of maintenance, locomotive, maintenance scorecard


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Last update: 2025-03-11 00:10:15

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