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@article{J@TI7366, author = {Diana Sari and Dyah Rinawati and Ary Arvianto and Marudut Mujur}, title = {PERANCANGAN SISTEM PENILAIAN KINERJA KARYAWAN DAN PEMBERIAN REWARD MENGGUNAKAN ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY PROCESS (AHP) DAN FUZZY SYNTHETIC DECISION APPROACH (Studi Kasus : Karyawan Administrasi Universitas Diponegoro)}, journal = {J@ti Undip: Jurnal Teknik Industri}, volume = {9}, number = {3}, year = {2014}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Penilaian kinerja merupakan proses yang penting dalam sumber daya manusia, karena dari hasil penilaian kinerja akan terukur kompetensi, perilaku kerja dan hasil kerja karyawan dalam periode waktu tertentu sebagai dasar pertimbangan dalam pertimbangan keputusan di bidang sumber daya manusia. Universitas Diponegoro juga melakukan pengukuran kinerja untuk karyawan kontrak, dari hasil penilaian tersebut akan diberikan reward berupa kompensasi langsung yang diberi nama Tunjangan Perbaikan Kinerja (TPK), dan tahun 2014 TPK berubah nama menjadi Tunjangan Perbaikan Penghasilan (TPP). Sistem penilaian saat ini masih berfokus pada aspek kedisplinan, sehingga hasil yang didapatkan belum seluruhnya menggambarkan kondisi karyawan. Maka dari itu, disusunlah penilaian kinerja yang terdiri dari 6 kriteria utama dan 19 subkriteria yang dibangun dari model penilain kinerja ”Annual Performance Appraisal-Temporary Employee (Classified or Administrative and Professional) University of Texas Dallas”. Dari hasil penelitian pembobotan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode AHP (Analytichal Hierarchy Process) diperoleh bobot untuk kriteia kehadiran/ketepatan waktu (0.248), inisiatif (0.234), tanggung jawab dan ketergantungan (0.194), kualitas kerja(0.139) pengetahuan pekerjaan (0.111) dan hubungan interpersonal (0.075). Lalu dilakukan penilaian dengan pendekatan Fuzzy Synthetic untuk mendapatkan besar TPP. Dari perhitungan TPP yang terbesar ialah terbesar ialah Rp. 979,605,sedangkan TPP yang terkecil Rp.396,000. Besar-kecilnya pemberian TPP dipengaruhi oleh nilai jabatan yang dihasilkan Kata Kunci : penilaian kinerja; AHP; fuzzy shyntetic decision approach; reward Abstract Performance appraisal is an important process in human resources, because of the results of the performance appraisal will be measurable competencies, workplace behavior and employee performance within a specified time period as a basis for consideration in the consideration of the decision in the field of human resources. Diponegoro University also conduct performance measurements for a contract employee, from the results of the assessment will be given a reward in the form of direct compensation, named Performance Improvement Allowance (TPK), and in 2014 changed its name TPK Repairs Allowance Income (TPP). The scoring system is still focused on the aspects of discipline, so that the results obtained are not completely describe the condition of the employee. Therefore, formulate performance assessment consisting of 6 main criteria and 19 sub-criteria are built from a model for assessing the performance of \"Annual Performance Appraisal-Temporary Employee (Classified or Administrative and Professional) University of Texas Dallas\". Based on the result on the research carried out by using the weighting method AHP (Analytichal Hierarchy Process) weights obtained for kriteia attendance / punctuality (0248), initiative (0234), responsibility and dependence (0194), the quality of work (0139) knowledge work (0111) and interpersonal relationships (0075). Then an assessment with Fuzzy Synthetic pendekatan to get big TPP. TPP is the largest of the calculation is the biggest is Rp. 979.605, while the smallest Rp.396,000 TPP. The amount of the provision of the TPP is affected by the value of the resulting position. Keywords: performance appraisal; AHP; fuzzy shyntetic decision approach; reward }, issn = {2502-1516}, pages = {181--186} doi = {10.12777/jati.9.3.181-186}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Penilaian kinerja merupakan proses yang penting dalam sumber daya manusia, karena dari hasil penilaian kinerja akan terukur kompetensi, perilaku kerja dan hasil kerja karyawan dalam periode waktu tertentu sebagai dasar pertimbangan dalam pertimbangan keputusan di bidang sumber daya manusia. Universitas Diponegoro juga melakukan pengukuran kinerja untuk karyawan kontrak, dari hasil penilaian tersebut akan diberikan reward berupa kompensasi langsung yang diberi nama Tunjangan Perbaikan Kinerja (TPK), dan tahun 2014 TPK berubah nama menjadi Tunjangan Perbaikan Penghasilan (TPP). Sistem penilaian saat ini masih berfokus pada aspek kedisplinan, sehingga hasil yang didapatkan belum seluruhnya menggambarkan kondisi karyawan. Maka dari itu, disusunlah penilaian kinerja yang terdiri dari 6 kriteria utama dan 19 subkriteria yang dibangun dari model penilain kinerja ”Annual Performance Appraisal-Temporary Employee (Classified or Administrative and Professional) University of Texas Dallas”.
Dari hasil penelitian pembobotan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode AHP (Analytichal Hierarchy Process) diperoleh bobot untuk kriteia kehadiran/ketepatan waktu (0.248), inisiatif (0.234), tanggung jawab dan ketergantungan (0.194), kualitas kerja(0.139) pengetahuan pekerjaan (0.111) dan hubungan interpersonal (0.075). Lalu dilakukan penilaian dengan pendekatan Fuzzy Synthetic untuk mendapatkan besar TPP. Dari perhitungan TPP yang terbesar ialah terbesar ialah Rp. 979,605,sedangkan TPP yang terkecil Rp.396,000. Besar-kecilnya pemberian TPP dipengaruhi oleh nilai jabatan yang dihasilkan
Kata Kunci : penilaian kinerja; AHP; fuzzy shyntetic decision approach; reward
Performance appraisal is an important process in human resources, because of the results of the performance appraisal will be measurable competencies, workplace behavior and employee performance within a specified time period as a basis for consideration in the consideration of the decision in the field of human resources. Diponegoro University also conduct performance measurements for a contract employee, from the results of the assessment will be given a reward in the form of direct compensation, named Performance Improvement Allowance (TPK), and in 2014 changed its name TPK Repairs Allowance Income (TPP). The scoring system is still focused on the aspects of discipline, so that the results obtained are not completely describe the condition of the employee. Therefore, formulate performance assessment consisting of 6 main criteria and 19 sub-criteria are built from a model for assessing the performance of "Annual Performance Appraisal-Temporary Employee (Classified or Administrative and Professional) University of Texas Dallas".
Based on the result on the research carried out by using the weighting method AHP (Analytichal Hierarchy Process) weights obtained for kriteia attendance / punctuality (0248), initiative (0234), responsibility and dependence (0194), the quality of work (0139) knowledge work (0111) and interpersonal relationships (0075). Then an assessment with Fuzzy Synthetic pendekatan to get big TPP. TPP is the largest of the calculation is the biggest is Rp. 979.605, while the smallest Rp.396,000 TPP. The amount of the provision of the TPP is affected by the value of the resulting position.
Keywords: performance appraisal; AHP; fuzzy shyntetic decision approach; reward
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