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Journal History

  • Previously, this journal-title was Citra Lekha (p-ISSN 1410-4938). Since 2013, it has been specifically renamed and published with Jurnal Sejarah Citra Lekha (JSCL) and came with a new e-ISSN (2443-0110).
  • The editor has completed the article's identity with DOI in each full-text paper. 
  • The editor is consistent in using the regular capital bold letters in each word representing the chapter and sentence case represents sub-chapter. 
  • Since 2018, the journal has cooperated with Perhimpunan Prodi Sejarah Se-Indonesia [the Indonesian union of the study program of history] (PPSI). Please click here to find the details.
  • Since 2021, Jurnal Sejarah Citra Lekha (JSCL) has been increased the number of articles published in each issue. Before, we published 6 articles, since Volume 6 (1) 2021, we have been published eight articles in each issue. 
  • Since the publication of Volume 6, Issue number 2, 2021, we have updated and simplified the citation and reference style using the Chicago Manual Style.