Jurnal Sejarah Citra Lekha (JSCL, e-ISSN: 2443-0110) is published by the Department of History Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Diponegoro, it is published twice a year in February and August. Previously, this journal-title was Citra Lekha (p-ISSN 1410-4938). Since 2013, it has been specifically renamed and published with Jurnal Sejarah Citra Lekha (JSCL) and came with a new e-ISSN (2443-0110).
JSCL covers all areas and periods in Indonesian history, it deals with all aspects of the history including economic, social, cultural, and politics. All historical approaches are also welcomed. This journal accepts diverse formats including the article from scientific forums, review essays, and special issues. The editor also received a book review to be published in a special section of the publication. The articles can be written to be submitted in Indonesia and English.
Important Notice:
Dayun Riyadi, Ahmad Suradi, Qolbi Khoiri, Siti Marpuah
Miftahuddin Miftahuddin, Danar Widiyanta, Adnan Rafsanjani
Raden Welling Praheningtyo, Mutiah Amini
Agus Suwignyo, Tular Sudarmadi, Hermin Indah Wahyuni
Cecep Hidayat
Habib Akbar Nurhakim, Annas Ma’ruf Pramuharam, Muhammad Iqbal Birsyada
Endang Susilowati, Haryono Rinardi, Albert Rumbekwan, Ismail Ali, Rabith Jihan Amaruli
Haryono Rinardi, M. Hum., Yety Rochwulaningsih, Singgih Tri Sulistiyono, Rafngi Mufidah
Total 161 citations from 16 documents (Last update: 2025-03-26 15:52:37).
Rabith Jihan Amaruli
Mahendra P. Utama
Mahendra Pudji Utama, Rabith Jihan Amaruli
Ganda Febri Kurniawan, W. Warto, Leo Agung Sutimin
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Jl. Prof. Soedarto, S.H. Tembalang Semarang 56025
Telp/ Fax: +622476480691
Dhanang Respati Puguh Dr. Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Diponegoro Jl. Prof. Soedarto, S.H. Tembalang Semarang 56025 Phone: +622474680691 Fax: +622474680691 Email: dhanang.respati@live.undip.ac.id
Noor Naelil Masruroh Email: naelil@live.undip.ac.id
Published by Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro UniversityJl. Prof. Soedarto, S.H. Tembalang, Semarang, Central Java 56025Phone: +6224-74680619; Fax: +6224-74680619Email: jscl@live.undip.ac.id View statistics