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Tulisan ini membahas kebijakan pemerintah dan respon masyarakat perkotaan terhadap ”serbuan” virus Avian Influenza (AI) dalam perspektif analisis risiko. Dibuka dengan pengenalan singkat tentang virus AI, tulisan ini selanjutnya difokuskan pada dua pokok bahasan utama yakni (1) persepsi risiko warga perkotaan dan respon khas mereka terhadap komunikasi risiko, dan (2) bagaimana meningkatkan efektivitas komunikasi risiko AI pada warga perkotaan. Dalam kasus Komunikasi Risiko AI, terdapat empat “penyakit” yang diidap oleh warga perkotaan, yaitu (1) kepanikan (outrage), (2) optimistic-bias, (3) illusion of control, dan (4) the gender gap. Kebijakan depopulasi unggas di kawasan permukiman cenderung tidak efektif karena mengirim ”pesan” kepada masyarakat tentang tingkat kegawatan maskimal. Akibatnya, muncul kepanikan masyarakat yang mewujud dalam bentuk keengganan mengonsumsi produk-produk unggas. Jika kepedulian dan kekhawatiran publik diakomodasi dan informasi tentang alternatif penanganan risiko disampaikan secara transparan kepada warga maka komponen outrage dalam risiko akan jauh berkurang. Untuk menghadapi tiga ”penyakit” yang lain - optimistic-bias, illusion of control dan the gender gap – yang diperlukan adalah upaya social marketing dengan sasaran khusus warga perkotaan – terutama kaum prianya.

Kata Kunci : avian influenza


This article discusses government policy on the Avian Influenza (AI) outbreak in Indonesia and the corresponding responses by the society in the perspective of Risk Analysis. Started with a brief description of the AI virus, this article is then focused on two main topics,i.e. (1) Risk Perception of urban dwellers and their typical responses toward Risk Communication, and (2) how to increase the effectiveness of AI Risk Communication toward urban dwellers. In the case of AI Risk Communication, urban dwellers suffer from four kinds of ”sickness”, namely (1) outrage, (2) optimistic-bias, (3) illusion of control and (4) the gender gap.A radical policy, such as depopulation of domestic fowls and birds in settlement areas, tends to be ineffective since it sends out a notion of maximum gravity to the society. As a result, an outrage emerges and is manifested in the form of a waned interest in consuming poultry products among the society. If the public‟s concerns and uncertainties are accommodated and the information on the risk management of AI is delivered transparently to the society, the outrage component of the risk can substantially be reduced. To deal with the three other “sickness”, i.e. optimistic-bias, illusion of control and the gender gap, social marketing efforts are needed, and it should be targeted to urban dwellers particularly the males. Keywords : avian influenza

Keywords: avian influenza

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Last update: 2025-03-08 23:17:36

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