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KONTRIBUSI RETRIBUSI SUB SEKTOR PETERNAKAN TERHADAP PENDAPATAN ASLI DAERAH KABUPATEN JEPARA (Contribution of Retribution for Animal Agriculture Sub Sector to Original Earnings at Jepara Regency)

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penerimaan retribusi sub sektor peternakan setiap tahun, mengetahui kontribusi retribusi sub sektor peternakan terhadap pendapatan asli daerah di Kabupaten Jepara dan meramalkan penerimaan retribusi yang dapat diperoleh pada tahun-tahun mendatang. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan September-Oktober 2004 pada RPH, pasar hewan dan pasar yang ada di Kabupaten Jepara. Metode penelitian adalah sensus dan pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana menggunakan bantuan komputer program SPSS dan analisis trend. Analisis regresi didapatkan koefisien regresi yang menunjukkan peningkatan penerimaan retribusi RPH, retribusi pasar hewan, retribusi timbangan ternak, penjualan unggas, dan subsektor peternakan dari tahun 1999-2003 masing-masing sebesar Rp 6.485.730; Rp 3.064.200; Rp 2.160.775; Rp 6.690.220 dan Rp18.400.925. Kontribusi retribusi RPH terhadap PAD menunjukkan penurunan sebesar 0,12%; kontribusi retribusi pasar hewan menunjukkan penurunan sebesar 0,003%; kontribusi retribusi timbangan ternak menunjukkan penurunan sebesar 0,031%; kontribusi retribusi penjualan unggas menunjukkan penurunan sebesar 0,024%; kontribusi retribusi subsektor peternakan menunjukkan penurunan sebesar 0,249%.

Kata Kunci : retribusi, sub sektor peternakan, pendapatan asli daerah


This research aim is to know a mount acceptance the retribution of animal agricultyre sub sector in every years, to identify the contribution of retribution for animal agriculture sub sector to original earnings at Jepara Regency and to approximate the retribution earnings. This research will be executed at September to October 2004 at abatoir, animal market, and other market at Jepara Regency. Sensus and interview are the method we to use. Those data will be analysed with a simple linier regression analyse using SPSS and trend analysis as a computer program aid. From regression analysis we can find the coefficient regression have shown the retribution of abatoir, retribution animal market, retribution of livestock, bird, and sub sector of animal agriculture since years at 1999 to 2003, each‟s has Rp 6.485.730; Rp 3.064.200; Rp 2.160.775; Rp 6.690.220 and Rp18.400.925 have been increasing. The abatoir contribution for original earnings have shown the decreasing equal to 0,12%; the contribution from animal market have shown the decreasing equal to 0,003%; the contribution from livestock have shown the decreasing equal to 0,031%; the contribution from “bird” selling have shown the decreasing equal to 0,024%; the contribution from animal agriculture sub sector have shown the decreasing equal to 0,249%.

Key Word : retribution, animal agriculture sub sector, original earnings

Keywords: retribusi; sub sektor peternakan; pendapatan asli daerah; retribution; animal agriculture sub sector; original earnings

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Last update: 2025-03-08 23:17:42

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