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*Elizabeth Ika Hesti Aprilia Nindia Rini  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2018 KIRYOKU under

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 (Title: Japanese verb compound words) As an agglutinative language, the formation of the word in Japanese is done morphologically. The word joins Japanese consists of compound words (複合 ), words reduplication ( ), and derivative words (派生 ). This study aims to describe the structure and relationship of the meaning of verb compound words. The method used is the descriptive method. As a result of the study, it was found that verb compound words have patterns (N + V), (V + V), (A + V), and (AD + V). The relation of the meaning of the pattern (N + V) is A subject B, object B, and A tool or material B. The relation of the meaning of the pattern (V + V) is the first/second element to lose its substantive meaning, the first and second elements cannot be described again, parallel relations (synonyms and antonyms). There is not much pattern (A + V) found. The pattern (AD + V) expresses the description of the situation with onomatopoeia.

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Keywords: word formation; morphological processes; verb compound words

Article Metrics:

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  8. Rujukan Elektronik :
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  10. [diunduh 28/10/2018 18:02 ]

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