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Sufiks Pembentuk Verba Transitif Dan Intransitif Dalam Bahasa Jepang

*Lina Rosliana scopus  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2019 KIRYOKU under

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(Title: Suffix Formers of Transitive And Intransitive Verbs In Japanese Language) This research aims to explain the process of formation verbs from the suffix of transitive and intransitive verb formers and their meanings. The data in this research were taken from Asahi Shinbun website, More Zasshi, News Livedoor and various other Japanese websites. The method which used in this research is descriptive method, and for data analysis using agih method. The theory which used in this research are verb, derivation and verb-forming suffix theory. The results of the research show that (1) There are 5 types of verb-forming suffixes: suffix garu,-maru, -meru, -mu, and suru, (2) Suffix garu can be attached to adjective-i, adjective-na and -tai forms that can produce transitive and intransitive verbs (3) Suffix -maru can be attached to adjective-i and produce the intransitive verb (4) Suffix -meru can be attached to adjective-i and produce the transitive verb (5) Suffix -mu can be attached to adjective-i which can produce transitive and intransitive verbs (6) Suffix -suru can be attached to nouns and adverbs that can produce transitive or intransitive verbs (7) Some of verb-forming suffix can changes the meaning of the original word and some just changes the application.

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Keywords: Suffix; transitive verb; intransitive verb

Article Metrics:

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