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Makna Lirik Lagu Phony 「フォニイ」 Karya Tsumiki Kajian Semiotika Riffaterre

*Nur Hastuti  -  Japanese Language and Culture Departement, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Maulani Putri Hardini  -  Japanese Language and Culture Departement, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
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This research aims to describe the meaning of the lyrics of the song "Phony 「フォニイ」" by Tsumiki sung by KAFU which was released on June 5, 2021. This research aims to understand more deeply the meaning of the lyrics of the song "Phony" by heuristic reading, hermeneutic reading, and searching for matrices, models, variants, and hypograms. This research is classified as qualitative research. The theory used is Rifattere's heuristic and hermeneutic reading theory. Based on the reading process through heuristic reading, hermeunistic reading, matrix, model, variant, and hypogram, the following results can be found; In the heuristic reading, the meaning of the lyrics of the song "Phony 「フォニイ」" Based on the heuristic reading, the song "Phony 「フォニイ」" is about a person who lives in a world full of falsehood with a fake flower parable. By living in a fake world, he is forced to live as a fake person until he loses his identity. His fake life slowly makes him feel hopeless and lose his happiness. In hermeunetics, there is a lack of continuity of expression in the form of substitution of meaning in the form of metaphor and simile. In the second stage of reading identification, the matrix in the lyrics of the song "Phony 「フォニイ」" is "fake happiness". The character in the song conveys that he cannot freely obtain sincere love or happiness. The model in the song lyrics is the depiction of fake happiness in the world with the metaphorical device「造花」zouka. The variants in the song are (1) a lie, (2) a world of antipathy, and (3) a fake. Based on the research results, the meaning of this song is someone who pretends to be happy.

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Keywords: “Phony 「フォニイ」” , the meaning of song lyrics, Semiotic Theory

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