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Memori Kerja dan Kesalahan Penggunaan Partikel Kakujoshi oleh Calon Guru Bahasa Jepang

Rike Febriyanti  -  Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang, Indonesia
*Lailatul Husna  -  Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2024 by authors under

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Particles in Japanese have a vital position and are very difficult for Indonesian Japanese learners. In
addition to appearing very often, they also mark verbal arguments, mark additions and have semantic
attributes, topical phrases and mark additional attributive nominals which when studied are recorded
in the working memory of our brains. This study attempts to see the error in particle selection in the
working memory thinking framework carried out by students who will become prospective Japanese
language teachers. This study uses a qualitative and quantitative method of analysing the results of
respondents' work. We can conclude that these prospective teachers have not received enough
systematic time and opportunity to be able to place various Japanese language particles in their
working memory so that they can use the right particles whenever they are faced with the opportunity
to use the particles.


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Keywords: working memory; Japanese language particle; kakujoshi

Article Metrics:

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