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Efektivitas Media Visual berbasis Teknik Visible Thinking Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Dan Kemampuan Menulis Dalam Bahasa Jepang

*indria mawitjere  -  Universitas Negeri Manado, Indonesia
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This study aims to examine the effectiveness of visual media based on Visible Thinking techniques in improving Japanese speaking and writing skills. Through experiments with third semester students, it was found that the use of visual media combined with Visible Thinking techniques significantly improved their speaking and writing with an average score of 79.58333, while the control class that did not use Visible Thinking-based visual media received an average score of 73.0833. The results showed that the use of visual media based on Visible Thinking technique significantly improved students' speaking and writing skills in Japanese compared to conventional learning methods. Students who used this media showed improvement in the ability to construct more complex sentences, coherence of ideas, and confidence in speaking. The findings indicate that the integration of Visible Thinking technique in Japanese language learning can be an effective strategy to improve students' competence in language skills.

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