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A Review of Bekasi City (West Java, Indonesia) Regional Archives and Library Office Service Transformation Policy Strategy

*Moh Ilham A Hamudy orcid  -  Amir Machmud Library, Ministry of Home Affairs, Jakarta, Indonesia
M Saidi Rifki orcid  -  Amir Machmud Library, Ministry of Home Affairs, Jakarta, Indonesia
Received: 11 Oct 2024; Revised: 23 Nov 2024; Accepted: 24 Dec 2024; Published: 31 Dec 2024.

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Background: This study analyzes the Bekasi City Regional Archives and Library Office ‘s organizational management issues, specifically budget and human resources. The analysis applies Philip Kohler's organizational management theory

Objective: The study is motivated by challenges in optimal budget absorption, misallocation of funds, and human resource constraints, all of which impact the effectiveness of library services. The primary objective is to develop policy strategies to address these issues, particularly to promote reading habits and a culture of literacy in the community

Methods: The study employed a descriptive qualitative method incorporating interviews, observations, focus group discussions (FGDs), surveys, and document analysis

Results: Findings indicated continuous staff training, improved communication and coordination, and innovative library programs are crucial for enhancing budget and human resource efficiency and effectiveness

Conclusion: In conclusion, targeted policy strategies can overcome existing barriers, foster improvements in the Community Literacy Development Index (IPLM) and Reading Interest Level (TGM), and help the organization achieve its strategic goals

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Keywords: Government policy, service transformation, literacy, service management
Funding: Kementerian Dalam Negeri

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