BibTex Citation Data :
@article{JM1313, author = {Bayu surarso}, title = {TEOREMAINTERPOLASI UNTUK LOGIKA PREDIKAT SUBSTRUKTUR DENGAN ATURAN MINGLE}, journal = {MATEMATIKA}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, year = {2012}, keywords = {}, abstract = { It is known that the interpolation theorem for Full Lambek Substructural Logic and its standard extensions can be proved using proof-theoretical methods. In fact, they can be proved by a well known method called Maehara’s method, or its modifications. In the present paper, by proving the cut elimination theorem and then using a modification of Maehara’s method, we prove the interpolation problem for logics obtaining from some standard extensions of Full Lambek Logic by adding rule called mingle. }, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
It is known that the interpolation theorem for Full Lambek Substructural Logic and its standard extensions can be proved using proof-theoretical methods. In fact, they can be proved by a well known method called Maehara’s method, or its modifications. In the present paper, by proving the cut elimination theorem and then using a modification of Maehara’s method, we prove the interpolation problem for logics obtaining from some standard extensions of Full Lambek Logic by adding rule called mingle.
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Last update: 2025-03-05 18:28:37